United States

The Director’s Chair: Joe Biden's senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, on Russia, China, climate diplomacy and Australia
The Director’s Chair: Joe Biden's senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, on Russia, China, climate diplomacy and Australia
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Jake Sullivan, the senior policy adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Joe Biden.
The US, not China, is Australia's most difficult relationship
The US, not China, is Australia's most difficult relationship
All the talk of “mateship” and ever “deepening ties” in relation to our alliance with the US tends to obscure the competitive nature of foreign policy. Originally published in the…
A Trump legacy?
A Trump legacy?
The “who won” question isn’t quite resolved. Bleary-eyed pundits fossicking over every county result are making about as much sense – and as much noise — as a flock of seagulls…
From Australia, it's hard to comprehend the depredations on display at the US election
From Australia, it's hard to comprehend the depredations on display at the US election
The Republican party has been playing dirty electoral politics for decades. The Democrats are just not on the same playing field. Originally published in The Guardian.
Blurring fact and fiction in the US election
Blurring fact and fiction in the US election
Imagine if stories of the US election were being reported as an event in the developing world: the president, who was elected amid controversy surrounding foreign interference in…
America in 2020: The view from here
America in 2020: The view from here
With 3 November looming, the time is right to review the state of US foreign policy in this most unruly of years. Over the course of 2020, the Lowy Institute has published more…
Why Kim Jong-un will soon miss Donald Trump
Why Kim Jong-un will soon miss Donald Trump
If US President Donald Trump loses the 3 November election, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un will be first in line to mourn Trump’s departure from the White House. Despite a rocky start …
Inciter in chief
Inciter in chief
We are days out from one of the most consequential presidential elections in United States history. The stakes this time are extraordinarily high, and concerns around how election…
US election: A Democratic trifecta is within sight
US election: A Democratic trifecta is within sight
The pollsters at FiveThirtyEight forecast that the Democrats are poised to win the trifecta – presidency, House and Senate – on 3 November. Their analysis gave Joe Biden an 87%…
How South Koreans view the prospect of a Trump re-election
How South Koreans view the prospect of a Trump re-election
US President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that allies do not pay enough for the American military presence in their country, reportedly suggesting South Korea (among others…