United States

US presidential debate: Prologue to chaos
US presidential debate: Prologue to chaos
Few would have expected the first debate between US President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden to proceed in any sort of cordial fashion, politely adhering to the…
The unfinished Chinese civil war
The unfinished Chinese civil war
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) war with the Kuomintang (KMT, or Nationalist Party) started in the 1920s, hit pause during the decade of anti-Japanese war and the Second World…
A reality show for the US presidential race
A reality show for the US presidential race
When it became clear in March and April that pandemic precautions would limit the activities of the US presidential candidates, the scheduled debates between President Donald…
Is our love affair with America over?
Is our love affair with America over?
Most Australians would greet a Biden victory with relief. But that may not be enough to remedy the fear that the United States has changed for the worse. Originally published in…
A reckless president emboldened
A reckless president emboldened
In an essay for Foreign Affairs this month, Richard Haas explains that over the past four years the Trump administration has disrupted US foreign policy and left America worse off…
How much did the spies really know about the virus?
How much did the spies really know about the virus?
Something doesn’t quite line up in Bob Woodward’s latest book – and you have to look at what we know about intelligence assessments in Australia to understand why. Woodward tells…
The South China Sea map that wasn’t
The South China Sea map that wasn’t
On 9 September, the US embassy in Hanoi published on Facebook a map of Vietnam on a poster to commemorate the 25th anniversary of US-Vietnam diplomatic relations. At first the map…
Ginsburg’s pendulum
Ginsburg’s pendulum
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died last week at the age of 87, lived long enough to become a cultural icon. She was also someone frequently called upon to offer…
America’s breaking point?
America’s breaking point?
US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on Friday after a long battle with cancer. As the US and world mourns the loss of an icon, there are increasing concerns about…
The Director’s Chair: Ambassador Nicholas Burns on diplomacy, presidents and American power
The Director’s Chair: Ambassador Nicholas Burns on diplomacy, presidents and American power
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Ambassador Nicholas Burns, Professor at Harvard University, Executive Director of the Aspen Strategy Group,…