United States

The tyranny of the present: American politics catches up with the past
The tyranny of the present: American politics catches up with the past
One of the ironies of the age is that as the United States’ prestige declines, its “virtual power,” its power to command attention, has never been greater. Last month, the death…
Donald Trump. Crisis? What Crisis?
Donald Trump. Crisis? What Crisis?
Thomas Wright’s Lowy Institute analysis “The Point of No Return: The 2020 Election and the Crisis of American Foreign Policy” is a very good summary of challenges facing any…
COVIDcast: Olivia Troye inside the White House Coronavirus Task Force
COVIDcast: Olivia Troye inside the White House Coronavirus Task Force
In the latest episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Lydia Khalil sat down with Olivia Troye, a former White House Coronavirus Task Force member and Homeland…
Trump or Biden, Australia is alone
Trump or Biden, Australia is alone
America protected Europe through the Cold War with a credible nuclear deterrent. Indo-Pacific nations can expect no such pledge. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
Reckoning with a post-Trump America
Reckoning with a post-Trump America
With less than a month to an election that US President Donald Trump appears likely to lose, I’ve been looking for perspective on what that loss would mean for America. Gaining…
The false promise of regime change
The false promise of regime change
Book review: Philip H. Gordon, Losing the Long Game: The False Promise of Regime Change in the Middle East (St. Martin’s Press 2020) Philip H. Gordon, the White House Coordinator…
COVIDcast: Joseph E. Stiglitz on global cooperation in a time of international mistrust
COVIDcast: Joseph E. Stiglitz on global cooperation in a time of international mistrust
In this episode of COVIDcast, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Alexandre Dayant sat down with Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz to discuss the prospect of global cooperation in a time of…
Trump gets sick and the media dives into the deep end
Trump gets sick and the media dives into the deep end
The weekend confusion about Donald Trump’s health after his Covid-19 diagnosis perhaps wasn’t all that surprising given the propensity of his administration to promote …
A Quad of consequence: Balancing values and strategy
A Quad of consequence: Balancing values and strategy
What makes the Quad foreign ministers conversation this week in Tokyo consequential? Probably the strategic setting – a pandemic, global economic contraction and an accelerated…
The Point of No Return: The 2020 Election and the Crisis of American Foreign Policy
The Point of No Return: The 2020 Election and the Crisis of American Foreign Policy
November's election puts the fundamental principles of US leadership to the test