United States

Trump, Morrison, the media, and hearing what you want to hear
Trump, Morrison, the media, and hearing what you want to hear
Should journalists really be trying to impose an order on Trump’s thinking, when he himself displays none? One of my favourite old sayings is, “You don’t ask the fish to describe…
A White House dinner for two: A tell-tale of tweets and transcripts
A White House dinner for two: A tell-tale of tweets and transcripts
TrumpHave you seen my tweet?MorrisonIt was brought to my attention … and then … honestly, this is what we call it the Canberra bubble. It’s ridiculous. It’ll be sorted out…
The Prime Ministers in America
The Prime Ministers in America
On the eve of Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s state visit to Washington, the Lowy Institute presents a series of snapshots examining some of the more memorable meetings between…
Raising the stakes in the Gulf’s game of reprisals
Raising the stakes in the Gulf’s game of reprisals
The weekend’s attack on the Saudi oil facility at Abqaiq is the most dramatic escalation of the Persian Gulf tensions since the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in May…
The last of the White House neocons
The last of the White House neocons
The Tuesday firing (or resignation) of president Donald Trump’s third national security advisor, John Bolton, was hardly a surprise. The rift between the two men had been the…
Not such a great game
Not such a great game
Staying true to his reputation for unpredictability, US President Donald Trump suddenly called off the Afghanistan peace negotiations with the Taliban last Saturday – a major…
Bolton sacking means Morrison will visit a White House again in chaos
Bolton sacking means Morrison will visit a White House again in chaos
Scott Morrison said it himself, only last week. “I mean he’s a very different President to previous Presidents.” And in another timely reminder ahead of the Australian Prime…
China’s Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands ploy to undercut the US-Japan alliance
China’s Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands ploy to undercut the US-Japan alliance
Between April and June this year, Chinese Coast Guard ships entered the contiguous zone around the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea for a record 64…
How the US keeps priority boarding ahead of Iran at the United Nations
How the US keeps priority boarding ahead of Iran at the United Nations
The US decision to impose travel restrictions on Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif when he made a visit to UN headquarters in New York for a 17 July meeting inflamed already…
A light amid the gloom of the US-China trade war
A light amid the gloom of the US-China trade war
Despite an optimistic bounce in global financial markets Friday, the relentless trade war between the US and China resumed Sunday. Threatened 15% tariffs by the US on another $250…