United States

Are we ready for a rare earths trade war?
Are we ready for a rare earths trade war?
Rare earth minerals have emerged as the latest front in the escalating US-China trade war. Nearly a decade after the Chinese government controversially suspended rare earth…
Oman: credibility gulf will test White House
Oman: credibility gulf will test White House
For the US to directly accuse Iran of attacking oil tankers just outside the heavily congested, economically critical and strategically vital waters of the Persian Gulf … well, it…
That Trump phone call to Australia and what it means to refugees today
That Trump phone call to Australia and what it means to refugees today
When US President Donald Trump and former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull held their infamous, protocol-smashing phone call in the president’s first week in office in…
Just why is the North Korean status quo so persistent?
Just why is the North Korean status quo so persistent?
Last month in The Interpreter, I argued that inter-Korean status quo is deeply persistent. US President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in have tried all sorts of…
Singapore steers the US-China extremes at Shangri-la
Singapore steers the US-China extremes at Shangri-la
Midway through Lee Hsien Loong’s keynote speech at the Shangri-la Dialogue, I found myself turning to others on my table to register my surprise at how critical he seemed to be…
Superpower scrutiny at Shangri-La
Superpower scrutiny at Shangri-La
For the past two years, the highlight of the annual IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore was the keynote speech by the sadly departed former US defence secretary Jim Mattis. …
Trump’s Mexico tariffs an ominous sign for global economy
Trump’s Mexico tariffs an ominous sign for global economy
Donald Trump’s tariff threat against Mexico may end up signaling a lot more than just the President’s latest twitter-launched policy tirade. By eroding any of Trump’s remaining…
Huawei and the decoupling dilemma
Huawei and the decoupling dilemma
In two dramatic policy announcements this month, the Trump administration effectively barred US companies and government agencies from buying telecommunications equipment or…
Sign of respect: the Freely Associated States come to Washington
Sign of respect: the Freely Associated States come to Washington
Leaders of the Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) are well used to seeing each other. They share a…
The clock is ticking on tensions with Iran
The clock is ticking on tensions with Iran
Washington’s attempts to isolate Iran economically and politically rely largely on whether it can get Tehran to opt out of the 2015 nuclear deal. As long as the Trump…