United States

A year after US withdrawal from the nuclear deal, Iran digs in
A year after US withdrawal from the nuclear deal, Iran digs in
Nearly a year after the Trump administration unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, it is loudly proclaiming the harsh impact of reinstated US secondary sanctions on…
As South Korea and Japan pick a fight, don’t expect Trump to care
As South Korea and Japan pick a fight, don’t expect Trump to care
Relations between South Korea and Japan are spiralling downward – again. This is a depressingly regular event. Every few years, these neighbours slide into a serious spat, driven…
The battle to resource the US National Defense Strategy
The battle to resource the US National Defense Strategy
In a recent article, (What the pessimists get wrong about Trump in Asia) Natasha Kassam argued that Donald Trump’s election has not ended Barack Obama’s pivot to the Pacific or…
The Mueller illusion
The Mueller illusion
No collusion. Or as Donald would say, NO COLLUSION! The report is in, the argument will still go on, yet as one America-based Australian correspondent has already declared,…
Why reciprocity matters: the US Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act
Why reciprocity matters: the US Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act
Western governments have long complained about the lack of reciprocity in dealing with China. As the traditional basis for international relations, reciprocity suggests that…
What might a US-China trade deal look like?
What might a US-China trade deal look like?
Perhaps they will, perhaps they won’t, but if China and the US do reach a trade agreement in coming weeks it will likely be very long. Meeting to seal the deal, President…
Tokyo may be happy about Hanoi, but has a lot more to worry about
Tokyo may be happy about Hanoi, but has a lot more to worry about
According to numerous commentators, the country happiest with the “no deal” outcome for the Kim-Trump summit in Hanoi last week was Japan. Fearful that President Donald Trump…
What the pessimists get wrong about Trump in Asia
What the pessimists get wrong about Trump in Asia
Having an “America First” president elected on the MAGA platform left many Australians anxious about the future of US engagement in our region. But Trump’s tweets and meetings…
Kim and Trump, again: North Korea’s drives the wedge
Kim and Trump, again: North Korea’s drives the wedge
Despite inflated pre-summit expectations that US President Donald Trump and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un would sign a deal involving at least some sanctions relief, liaison…
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Political leadership versus diplomacy
Following the Trump-Kim summits and a gush of commentary on “presidential diplomacy”, “face-to-face diplomacy”, “summit diplomacy”, and even “Trumpian diplomacy”, we’ve…