United States

Of “foolish wars, politics … ridiculous partisan investigations”
Of “foolish wars, politics … ridiculous partisan investigations”
In the November 2018 midterm elections, Americans voted for a Democratic House of Representatives that now possesses broad authority to investigate the Trump administration’s…
The Vietnamese venue will shape the second Trump-Kim summit
The Vietnamese venue will shape the second Trump-Kim summit
The news is in. US President Donald Trump will meet North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un for the second time on February 27-28. Instead of Singapore, this time Vietnam will play…
Yes, Hillary could have led the world to war with Kim Jong-un
Yes, Hillary could have led the world to war with Kim Jong-un
Donald Trump threw a meaty hypothetical on the table in the midst of his big set-piece speech to the US congress on the State of the Union. “If I had not been elected president…
Getting a better outcome from the second Trump-Kim summit
Getting a better outcome from the second Trump-Kim summit
If press reports are accurate, US President Donald Trump and North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un will again meet this month. They met for the first time last June in Singapore…
US, Taliban, Afghanistan peace talks: timing is critical
US, Taliban, Afghanistan peace talks: timing is critical
The Taliban and the US have agreed, in principle, on a peace framework that will ensure the Taliban part ways with international terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda leading to…
Pacific collateral from the INF Treaty collapse
Pacific collateral from the INF Treaty collapse
Washington intends to begin withdrawing from the landmark 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty early next month. President Trump indicated late last year that the…
The fate of three Canadians may now rest with Donald Trump
The fate of three Canadians may now rest with Donald Trump
The simmering dispute between Canada and China – building since 1 December following Canada’s detention of the Huawei executive and Chinese national, Meng Wanzhou – has now…
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Review: The President is Missing, by Bill Clinton and James Patterson (Aldred A. Knopf, 2018) Former US President Bill Clinton is a man of singular gifts – a highly…
Philippine alliance angst
Philippine alliance angst
Last month, at his end-of-year press conference, the Philippine Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana called for a review of the 1951 US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty …
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: The World as It Is: Inside the Obama White House, by Ben Rhodes (Random House, 2018). The slew of books that find their way to the shelves once a president has…