United States

India-US: two plus two equals hopes and troubles
India-US: two plus two equals hopes and troubles
After talks had been delayed previously owing to domestic developments in the US, causing much disappointment in India, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary…
Chinese “birth tourism” shows citizenship evolves
Chinese “birth tourism” shows citizenship evolves
Several years ago, while living in Southern California and pregnant with my twin sons, I began hearing news reports about maternity hotels. Baffled neighbours were asking why so…
The swooning over McCain is more about Trump
The swooning over McCain is more about Trump
The passing of US Senator John McCain has brought forth a wave of lavish eulogies. Some of this is justified. McCain’s experiences as a prisoner of war were extreme and…
John McCain: death of a hero
John McCain: death of a hero
In my dictionary, a “hero” is 1) an illustrious warrior; 2) a man admired for his noble qualities; or 3) one who shows great courage. John McCain met all the…
What did the 2008 crisis cost America?
What did the 2008 crisis cost America?
Next month marks the tenth anniversary of the failure of Lehman Brothers – the nadir of the 2008 global financial crisis. Not only was there a substantial fall in GDP in…
Why a US–Russia team–up against China is unlikely
Why a US–Russia team–up against China is unlikely
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last month, one might wonder if the US and Russia are considering the formation of, if not an explicit…
The struggle to conclude peace in Korea
The struggle to conclude peace in Korea
The border separating North and South Korea remains one of the most heavily armed in the world. Surrounded by thickets of barbed wire, Korea’s misleadingly named Demilitarised…
The discord in the Korean peace process
The discord in the Korean peace process
Last week, the South Korean Blue House announced preparations for another  summit – what will be the third – between President Moon Jae-in and North Korea’s…
Who has been best for Australia: Trump or Obama?
Who has been best for Australia: Trump or Obama?
US President Donald Trump comes in for widespread criticism, but he has at least one well-placed Australian defender. Former foreign minister Alexander Downer says that for…
Made in China 2025 and US–China power competition
Made in China 2025 and US–China power competition
While US President Donald Trump seems to be cosying up with the likes of North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin lately, his administration has wasted no time in…