United States

Trump scores a win over Russia
Trump scores a win over Russia
Typically, Vladimir Putin answered Washington’s decision this month to leave the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by making new nuclear threats against Europe. His…
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
Disinformation campaigns and US elections
A New York Times article this month revealed a new tactic in the US war against election disinformation. US election officials had notified Russians suspected of involvement in…
With Trump in Mind, China Realigns
With Trump in Mind, China Realigns
The past week says a lot about the quagmire that Chinese President Xi Jinping has found his country in, as his American counterpart Donald Trump has shown no sign of de-escalating…
Jamal Khashoggi: shifting law in a deadly turf war
Jamal Khashoggi: shifting law in a deadly turf war
The alleged extrajudicial killing of Jamal Khashoggi, and the international condemnation that followed, reflects not only rivalry in the Middle East, but also greater anxiety…
The one Iran deal the US should keep
The one Iran deal the US should keep
For all the talk about the broken nuclear deal, it might seem a surprise to learn of an old agreement between the United States and Iran that is still in force. The move to…
America builds on development aid
America builds on development aid
In the biggest reform of US foreign aid policy in recent history, the US Senate this month passed the Better Utilization of Investment Leading to Development, or the BUILD…
Friends like these … allies and the Pence speech
Friends like these … allies and the Pence speech
Vice President Mike Pence’s speech was tasty red meat for anyone desiring a more confrontational US policy toward the People’s Republic of China. Pence’s speech reflects a…
Killing Chimerica
Killing Chimerica
Over a decade ago, the term “Chimerica” was coined to describe the symbiotic relationship between the US and Chinese economies. While offshoring manufacturing to China and opening…
Is the second Trump-Kim summit necessary?
Is the second Trump-Kim summit necessary?
The third summit between the leaders of North and South Korea last month was a huge accomplishment for Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un. At home, Moon’s approval rating shot up from 49…
Beware of fighter pilots bearing gifts
Beware of fighter pilots bearing gifts
In late September, an interesting news story populated some portions of the internet. A person purporting to be a (possibly retired) Russian fighter pilot flying one of Moscow’s…