United States

The US is moving quickly to follow through on Trump’s threats to further escalate his trade war with China (now is as good a time as any to say that the trade war has officially…
High anxiety: Donald Trump’s summits
High anxiety: Donald Trump’s summits
US President Donald Trump evidently expects his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin to be the easiest of his upcoming high-level meetings. If so, he has brought that…
US Navy sails into Taiwan sunset
US Navy sails into Taiwan sunset
It’s inevitable that, when the US sails warships through the Taiwan Strait, it will be interpreted as a broader diplomatic statement or even a protest – in this case, perhaps…
“Patrons” of the alliance and the missing mates
“Patrons” of the alliance and the missing mates
The Australian Embassy in Washington has been promoting “100 Years of Mateship” between Australia and the US in the lead-up to the centenary of the Battle of Hamel in the…
Détente divergence: the US-South Korean split
Détente divergence: the US-South Korean split
Reactions in the US and South Korea have differed sharply since US President Donald Trump met North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un last month in Singapore. (The president and…
Pyongyang’s promises
Pyongyang’s promises
Immediately after the Singapore summit on 12 June, US President Donald Trump proclaimed that North Korea no longer posed a nuclear threat, and that the denuclearisation…
An empty chair vs the risk of a crazy Trump crony
An empty chair vs the risk of a crazy Trump crony
Almost two years have passed since the US was represented in Australia by a permanent ambassador. It is now conceivable that Australia will receive a Presidential visit…
Exit strategy: will US troops leave South Korea?
Exit strategy: will US troops leave South Korea?
The massive Yongsan Garrison in central Seoul has seen a near-continuous presence of foreign military since the Korean Peninsula was annexed by the Japanese in 1910. Prior to that…
Human Rights Council: reform rather than reject
Human Rights Council: reform rather than reject
The announcement the US was leaving the United Nations Human Rights Council did not come as a shock, especially after calls for an inquiry into clashes…
US-China trade: joke’s over
US-China trade: joke’s over
Once entertaining, the Trump administration is becoming unfunny. In less than a week the trade dispute between China and the US has escalated to cover what will quite likely be…