United States

Donald Trump's Asian tour
Donald Trump's Asian tour
Asian leaders will be watching Trump for reassurance that the US will be a democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific. Originally published in the Australian Financial Review (Photo:…
US self-belief tested by tardy return to being ‘great again’
US self-belief tested by tardy return to being ‘great again’
Originally published in The Australian.James Curran
Autopilot: East Asia policy under Trump
Autopilot: East Asia policy under Trump
Donald Trump has put US policy in East Asia on autopilot. But that could leave the United States far off course — and in a crisis, Trump will be required to fly the plane. Aaron…
Donald Trump’s message for Asia
Donald Trump’s message for Asia
What will Donald Trump's message to Asia be when he travels from Hawaii to Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines from 3 to 14 November? It is safe to say that even his…
An accident waiting to happen: Trump, Putin and the US–Russia relationship
An accident waiting to happen: Trump, Putin and the US–Russia relationship
How US–Russia relations have sunk to a new low under the most pro-Kremlin president in history. Bobo Lo
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
War on the Korean Peninsula: Targeting a better peace
The rhetoric emanating from Washington and Pyongyang may soon reach the point at which a peaceful resolution is no longer be possible. A year ago the chance of war on the Korean…
Tillerson doubles down on US-India partnership
Tillerson doubles down on US-India partnership
Yesterday US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson delivered his most substantial remarks on India to date, ahead of his first official trip to South Asia. While Tillerson’s influence…
On a Trumpian track for the next Middle East war
On a Trumpian track for the next Middle East war
In some respects, US President Donald Trump and the Iranian theocratic regime deserve each other. Neither respect international agreements, except when it suits their purposes…
Iran nuclear deal: ‘Trump’s approach can hurt US interests’
Iran nuclear deal: ‘Trump’s approach can hurt US interests’
Originally published in The Australian (Photo: Office of the Supreme Leader) Rodger Shanahan
Americans not so in love with America First
Americans not so in love with America First
Last week, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs released the results of a recent national survey on what Americans think about 'America First'. More bumper sticker than policy…