United States

India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
India and Australia eye the world according to Trump
There's a momentum towards greater cooperation among India, Japan, and Australia, writes James Curran in CFR's Asia Unbound blog on 9 March. Photo: Flickr/Us State Department…
Battening down for an environmental war
Battening down for an environmental war
The oft-repeated promise by Donald Trump when he was on the campaign trail last year to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency is now described as an 'aspirational goal' as…
The End of History, a generation on
The End of History, a generation on
This year it is 25 years since Francis Fukuyama published The End of History and the Last Man – the span of a generation, as traditionally reckoned. The book, like the 1989…
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Most analysts of President Trump's inaugural address, especially those in the United States, have stressed its pointed preference for the strident, pungent messages he used to…
Obama’s legacy: Still a work in progress?
Obama’s legacy: Still a work in progress?
Barack Obama leaves office in the somewhat paradoxical position of enjoying unusually high approval ratings for a departing president, while also fearing the wholesale…
Trump's confused mercantilism
Trump's confused mercantilism
Among the foreign policy issues raised by the imminent Trump White House, one that has received a fair amount of commentary is the President-elect's mercantilist …
Obama's legacy: The world is more dangerous for Australia
Obama's legacy: The world is more dangerous for Australia
President Obama’s personal attributes, shown to great effect in his farewell speech in Chicago, may not be enough to carry his reputation through the consequences of his…
Fighting with America: Why Washington needs a more discerning ally
Fighting with America: Why Washington needs a more discerning ally
This is an edited version of a speech delivered by James Curran at the 8 December launch of his Lowy Institute Paper, Fighting with America, at the National Press Club in Canberra…
Overdone reaction to Trump-Tsai call reflects two exceptionalisms
Overdone reaction to Trump-Tsai call reflects two exceptionalisms
The brief congratulatory phone call between President-elect Donald Trump and President Tsai Ing-wen, two democratically elected leaders, has triggered a veritable tsunami of…
Fighting with America
Lowy Institute Papers
Fighting with America
Why saying 'no' to the US wouldn’t rupture the alliance.James Curran