United States

US-Russia relations: No light at the end of the tunnel
US-Russia relations: No light at the end of the tunnel
Each month – each week – brings new and alarming developments in US-Russian relations. No one seriously expects any improvement in the near future. The only question is: how much…
Malcolm Turnbull's ANZUS offer on North Korea was premature
Malcolm Turnbull's ANZUS offer on North Korea was premature
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.James Curran
Fire and fury, signifying nothing?
Fire and fury, signifying nothing?
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Euan Graham
Making sense of the known unknowns in the South China Sea
Making sense of the known unknowns in the South China Sea
I'd like to thank Hugh White for his continued thoughtfulness and collegiality in our ongoing exchange on the South China Sea. I thought it might be interesting to pivot from…
Chinese spy ships: The devil in the detail
Chinese spy ships: The devil in the detail
Recent posts in The Interpreter (by Iain Henry, Euan Graham and James Goldrick) have commented on the presence of a Chinese intelligence-gathering ship off the Queensland Coast…
For sale, cheap: Armed drones
For sale, cheap: Armed drones
Once the domain of only a handful of states, weaponised drones are now part of the military arsenal of no less than a dozen countries. That number is set to expand after China…
Empathising with China
Empathising with China
The recent presence of a PLA-N auxiliary general intelligence vessel off Queensland has generated some interesting discussions. Euan Graham and James Goldrick are right that the…
 Let’s be clear: China would call America’s bluff in the South China Sea
Let’s be clear: China would call America’s bluff in the South China Sea
It seems to be widely agreed that Washington’s current policy of well-worn talking points and low-key FONOPS in the South China Sea [SCS] isn’t working. Ely Ratner and I have been…
New Zealand and fighting the nuclear threat: More effort required
New Zealand and fighting the nuclear threat: More effort required
The recent news that two-thirds of United Nations member states negotiated a treaty that bans nuclear weapons was undoubtedly met with enthusiasm in much of New Zealand, which…
North Korea: Jake Sullivan on America's policy dilemma
North Korea: Jake Sullivan on America's policy dilemma
As world leaders gather in Hamburg for the G20 Summit, North Korea will be high on the agenda following Pyongyang’s successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile …