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Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Donald Trump's administration: It's not as good as it looks
Trump's dark vision of America's role in the world is worrying, even if he had the teams and political skills to pull it off, writes Michael Fullilove in the Australian Financial…
Trump's protectionism will fail; Asia should ignore it
Trump's protectionism will fail; Asia should ignore it
Avoid tit-for-tat; keep integrating, writes Stephen Grenville in the Nikkei Asian Review.Stephen Grenville
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Donald Trump's focus on home front hardly a surprise
Most analysts of President Trump's inaugural address, especially those in the United States, have stressed its pointed preference for the strident, pungent messages he used to…
An unprecedented president
An unprecedented president
The showman now has to govern, writes James Curran in the Australian on 14 January. Photo: Getty Images/The Washington PostJames Curran
Australia's economy in 2017: Bad news for jobs but no recession
Australia's economy in 2017: Bad news for jobs but no recession
John Edwards wrties in the Australian Financial Review on the prospects for the Australian economy in 2017. Photo: Getty Images/Brett Hemmings John Edwards
Values-based foreign policy is flawed thinking
Values-based foreign policy is flawed thinking
Originally published in the Australian on 20 December 2016. Alan Dupont
Future proofing Australia–New Zealand defence relations
Future proofing Australia–New Zealand defence relations
Australia and New Zealand are developing maritime capabilities to uphold the rules-based system. Regional uncertainty will intensify their defence cooperation, but trans-Tasman…
How to pick your predictors
How to pick your predictors
Sam Roggeveen writes in the Australian Financial Review on how to choose your pundits. Photo: Flickr/Will FisherSam Roggeveen
Admiral Harry Harris' 2016 address to the Lowy Institute
Admiral Harry Harris' 2016 address to the Lowy Institute
On 14 December 2016, Admiral Harry Harris, Commander of US Pacific Command, addressed the Lowy Institute on America's enduring interests in the Indo-Asia-Pacific.