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The development benefits of expanding Pacific access to Australia’s labour market
The development benefits of expanding Pacific access to Australia’s labour market
The long-term development prospects for the Pacific are bleak, yet it is an integral region for Australia’s strategic and development interests. One proposal that has the…
Julie Bishop on Australia and the UN Human Rights Council
Julie Bishop on Australia and the UN Human Rights Council
On 12 December, Australia's Foreign Minister the Hon. Julie Bishop MP addressed the Lowy Institute on human rights around the world, and Australia's candidacy for the UN…
'Uncertain outlook strengthens alliance ties between us and US'
'Uncertain outlook strengthens alliance ties between us and US'
This edited extract from James Curran's Lowy Institute Paper Fighting with America first appeared in The Australian on 3 December 2016.James Curran
Fighting with America
Lowy Institute Papers
Fighting with America
Why saying 'no' to the US wouldn’t rupture the alliance.James Curran
'Are we there yet?' An address from Natasha Stott Despoja
'Are we there yet?' An address from Natasha Stott Despoja
On 6 December, Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls, looked at destinations reached and travels still to be undertaken in the global journey…
Jakarta steers its own course
Jakarta steers its own course
Aaron L. Connelly writes in The Australian Financial Review on Indonesia's tough stance on its territorial waters. Aaron L Connelly
China pressures Singapore with seizure of military hardware
China pressures Singapore with seizure of military hardware
Euan Graham writes in the Nikkei Asian Review on the seizure of several Singaporean armoured vehicles being shipped through Hong Kong. Euan Graham
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
Journal Articles
National Interests and the Role of Major and Middle Powers in the South China Sea: Australia’s Cautiously Calibrated Approach
In this National Asian Security Studies Program Issue Brief (published by UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy), Euan Graham examines Australia's approach to…
Indonesia in the South China Sea: Going it alone
Indonesia in the South China Sea: Going it alone
While Indonesia under Jokowi can be expected to continue to take unilateral action to reinforce the Indonesian position around the Natuna Islands, Jokowi has not played an active…