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Travelling responsibly but further to go: Australia's new consular diplomacy
Journal Articles
Travelling responsibly but further to go: Australia's new consular diplomacy
Three years after the policy brief Consular Conundrum was published, Australia's consular policy has evolved in a number of ways in an attempt to meet the challenges for…
US election puts TPP in doubt
US election puts TPP in doubt
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review. Hillary Clinton has been forced into explicit disavowal of the TPP. She was a supporter of the TPP's "gold standard" when she was…
Good options in Syria don't exist
Good options in Syria don't exist
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review.Rodger Shanahan
Does modern diplomacy still need a global network of embassies?
Does modern diplomacy still need a global network of embassies?
In a special issue of Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, the electronic journal of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Alex Oliver argues that embassies are still essential…
Will China rule the world? Asian superpower faces uncertain future
Will China rule the world? Asian superpower faces uncertain future
Originally published in the Australian on 8 October 2016. Alan Dupont
The 2016 presidential campaign and the crisis of US foreign policy
The 2016 presidential campaign and the crisis of US foreign policy
A Trump presidency could see the United States undermine the liberal international order that it helped to establish. Clinton, by contrast, would be a more traditional…
Staying the Course – Keeping the door open to our economy
Staying the Course – Keeping the door open to our economy
On 30 September, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, Treasurer of Australia, gave an address at the Lowy Institute on the importance of trade, investment, and positive immigration…
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
Tactical nuclear weapons in the modern nuclear era
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Brendan Thomas-Noone argues that advances in technology are making tactical nuclear weapons more precise and potentially more usable. He argues…
Once Upon a Time, Another Tycoon Stole the GOP
Once Upon a Time, Another Tycoon Stole the GOP
Originally published in Foreign Policy.Michael Fullilove