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When change brings continuity
When change brings continuity
In this article in the Indian Express, Rory Medcalf argues that Australia's new Coalition government will bring continuity to Australia-India ties.Rory Medcalf
Kebijakan Abbott Bisa Picu Gesekan (Abbott's Policies Could Trigger Tension)
Kebijakan Abbott Bisa Picu Gesekan (Abbott's Policies Could Trigger Tension)
Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae, in an opinion piece for the Media Indonesia newspaper, explains that the newly-elected Coalition have maintained Indonesia as a…
Caught between the U.S. and China
Caught between the U.S. and China
In a New York Times op-ed, Lowy institute Executive Director Michael Fullilove argues that the 2013 election campaign ignored the greater strategic and economic…
Rebalancing Australia's role in Asia
Rebalancing Australia's role in Asia
In this article in The Wall Street Journal Asia Edition, Rory Medcalf argues the need for Australia's new Coalition government to bring steadiness to matters of…
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
Judicious ambition: international policy priorities for the new Australian Government
In this new Lowy Institute Analysis, a number of Lowy Institute experts outline what they believe should be some key international priorities for the new Australian Government…
Lowy Institute anthology launch
Lowy Institute anthology launch
Throughout a decade of remarkable change and upheaval, the Lowy Institute has discussed, dissected and analysed the big issues shaping global politics, and provided fresh policy…
Australian anxiety over China's South Pacific aid efforts is misplaced
Australian anxiety over China's South Pacific aid efforts is misplaced
In this comment piece for the Guardian's global development blog Dr Philippa Brant explores Australia's ongoing dominance in the South Pacific and the opportunities…
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Securing Australia's Future Prosperity' by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
Lowy Lecture Series: 'Securing Australia's Future Prosperity' by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
On Tuesday 27 August 2013, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered an address to the Lowy Institute for International Policy titled "Securing Australia's Future…
Reports from a Turbulent Decade
Reports from a Turbulent Decade
Throughout a decade of remarkable change and upheaval, the Lowy Institute has discussed, dissected and analysed the big issues shaping global politics, and provided fresh policy…