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Remarks at the launch of the India Poll 2013
Remarks at the launch of the India Poll 2013
On 20 May 2013, The Lowy Institute launched the India Poll 2013 at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi. Indian Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Mr Manish Tewari…
Development and the G20
Development and the G20
This issue of the G20 Monitor examines the topic of development and the G20.  In line with the coverage of G20 agenda items in previous issues of the Monitor, the focus is on…
The day FDR became a wartime president
The day FDR became a wartime president
Excerpted from Rendezvous With Destiny.  To read the full article online, please click here.Michael Fullilove
The Personal President
The Personal President
Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions. To read the full article please click here.Michael Fullilove
Lebanon: the Chimera of a Shi’a ‘third way’
Journal Articles
Lebanon: the Chimera of a Shi’a ‘third way’
Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Rodger Shanahann recently published an article in the Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 36, no. 3, Spring 2013,…
A friendly Lazarus in Tokyo
A friendly Lazarus in Tokyo
Australia-Japan relations could well be in for a sustained period of deeper and broader co-operation because of the recent political earthquakes in Japan and the Lazarus-like rise…
Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took America into the War and into the World
Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took America into the War and into the World
In the dark days between Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 and Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt sent five remarkable…
The Chinese investment elephant in the room
The Chinese investment elephant in the room
Using findings from the Lowy Institute – Rio Tinto China Analyst Fellowship and the 2013 Lowy Institute Poll, Dirk van der Kley writes in The BRICS Post that the Australian…
G20 needs to ask the big questions
G20 needs to ask the big questions
In an opinion piece for The Australian Financial Review, Director of the G20 Studies Centre, Mike Callaghan, writes about the current state of international financial regulation,…