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Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
In this article on The Diplomat's The Pulse blog, Danielle Rajendram looks at the interplay between domestic politics and foreign policy in India's relations with Pakistan…
More young Australians dismissing democracy
More young Australians dismissing democracy
Alex Oliver writes in the Sun Herald about the findings of the latest Lowy Institute Poll and the attitudes of young Australians to democracy. Alex Oliver
Roosevelt's Gang of Five
Roosevelt's Gang of Five
Jordan Chandler Hirsch reviews Rendezvous with Destiny, by Dr Michael Fullilove, in The Wall Street Journal.  Harry Hopkins, President Franklin Roosevelt's roving…
Michael Fullilove: FDR the Greatest Statesman of the Twentieth Century (INTERVIEW)
Michael Fullilove: FDR the Greatest Statesman of the Twentieth Century (INTERVIEW)
Robin Lindley interviews Executive Director at the Lowy Institute on his new book Rendezvous with Destiny: How Franklin D. Roosevelt and Five Extraordinary Men Took…
The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: From Darul Islam to Jema'ah Islamiyah
The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: From Darul Islam to Jema'ah Islamiyah
Published jointly by the Lowy Institute and New South Publishing, this book is an edited English language edition of Solahudin's best selling NII Sampai JI: Salafy Jihadisme…
Whither the Pacific Solution: Rudd’s Hard-line Approach to Asylum Seekers
Whither the Pacific Solution: Rudd’s Hard-line Approach to Asylum Seekers
In this article for CSIS' cogitAsia, Jack Georgieff argues that the recent policy put forth by the Rudd government to never resettle boat arrivals in Australia is flawed at…
Fallout from Israeli elections: peace at last?
Fallout from Israeli elections: peace at last?
In this article for Crikey, Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff argues the recent coalition talks by Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will not produce a government conducive…
The election's G20 factor
The election's G20 factor
One of the more unanticipated explanations for the Rudd government’s delay in announcing the date of election 2013 is the need to factor in the G20 leaders’ summit on…
2012 Australia-India Roundtable Report: Outcomes Statement and Summary of Proceedings
2012 Australia-India Roundtable Report: Outcomes Statement and Summary of Proceedings
The relationship between Australia and India is poised at an historic moment. Consciously overcoming a challenging period, leaders of the two countries have realised new levels of…