Uncategorised and other

Sino-Pakistan civil nuclear cooperation: A growing challenge to the global nuclear order
The Pakistani newspaper Dawn declared that at least 1200 people had died in Karachi, capital of the worst affected Pakistani state, Sindh, during the recent week-long heatwave…
Is China ready for global leadership?
Is China ready for a larger global role and should the outside world, in particular a regional partner like Australia, embrace this possibility? Evidently not, judging by remarks…
SCO summit marks steady rise of India in China's worldview
This year's Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Heads of State Council Meeting, being held in Russia on 10 July, promises to be the most productive in years. Pakistan and…
South China Sea: Why Korea is silent, and why that's a good thing
Last month on The Diplomat, Van Jackson made an important argument about South Korea's increasingly notable silence on freedom of navigation in the South China Sea (South China…
How the Chinese media covered the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
By Jackson Kwok, an intern with the Lowy Institute's East Asia Program. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree with specialisations in Chinese language, history, and foreign…
Peak box? Global container trade is slackening
In a little-noticed interview, the chief of Panama's Canal Authority concedes that 'the world and the canal were unlikely to ever again see the booming container trade that…
Beijing should hasten slowly on AIIB
The establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) reached another milestone on Monday when 50 of the 57 founding members signed the AIIB's Articles of Agreement…
Is the US Congress the main impediment to a rules-based order?
President Barack Obama finally has authority from the US Congress for advancing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a signature foreign policy of his final term in office. The…
Four observations about the AIIB's Articles of Agreement
Four observations about the AIIB's Articles of Agreement
With the signing of the AIIB's Articles of Agreement in Beijing yesterday, how is the Bank shaping up? Here are some key things that struck me reading the Agreement: Membership…
Search and Rescue’s Rising Political Profile
Search and Rescue’s Rising Political Profile
Search and Rescue’s Rising Political ProfileEuan GrahamThe International Institute for Strategic Studies29 May 2015Euan Graham