Uncategorised and other

AIIB: US is not the only loser, and China is not such a big winner
The recent rush by Western countries to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) before the 30 March deadline set by China was widely, and rightly, seen as a policy…
China-Russia: An uneasy friendship
The China-Russia relationship is the world's most important, and the best between any two great powers, Xi Jinping told Vladimir Putin a couple of years ago. Last week, at the…
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executions
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executions
A diplomatic mission to abolish the death penalty would be a fitting response to executionsDr Michael FulliloveSydney Morning Herald4 May 2015Click here for the online text…
Unquestioned beliefs on both sides of US-China divide
China and the US have both been described as countries that consider themselves to be exceptional. China, so much so, that some analysts argue it sees itself as 'uniquely unique'…
Burma: Police reforms expand women's roles
There was a time when there were very few women in Burma’s national police force, and they were practically invisible. Under an ambitious plan to enlarge, modernise and reform the…
Burma: The return of the 'vigilantes'
In 2011, Burma's hybrid civilian-military government launched an ambitious reform program that, among other things, envisaged the transfer of responsibility for Burma's internal…
China's dream scenario for Asia
'Who lost China?' is perhaps the most dreaded question of modern American foreign policy. It reveals the historical dilemma that haunts Washington today: The rise of China will…
America's China consensus slowly unravels
For a long time American (and Australian) thinking about China has been dominated by a broad consensus that, despite many signs of growing assertiveness, Beijing does not pose a…
Does Australia do digital diplomacy?
[vimeo:123424426] After a decade of swimming against the tide, the Australian Government is slowly engaging in the world of digital diplomacy. The term 'DFAT the Dinosaur' no…
Sovereignty and the Sea: President Joko Widodo's Foreign Policy Challenges
Journal Articles
Sovereignty and the Sea: President Joko Widodo's Foreign Policy Challenges
In this paper for Contemporary Southeast Asia, Aaron L. Connelly argues that under President Joko Widodo, Indonesia's foreign policy is likely to become less clear, less…