Uncategorised and other

Tuesday links: Krugman, China's nukes, Syria, Defence White Paper and more
Paul Krugman asks: why aren't we seeing more protectionism during the current recession? What Russia and the US can teach China about nuclear disarmament. Japanese power…
Monday links: ASIO, Game of Thrones, Japan, unemployment and more
Afghanistan: the CIA is delivering bags of cash 'to maintain access to Mr. Karzai and his inner circle'. (Thanks Michael.) A US Congressional Research Service report on global…
Wednesday linkage: Essay contest, China's media, Daily Show and more
The Lowy Institute has launched its undergraduate essay competition. Everywhere you go in China, you see hints of liberalisation. But not in the media, or any other sector that…
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Australian model or Australian bubble?
Mark Thirlwell has an essay in the March-April issue of Pacific Standard that takes a look at Australia’s recent economic success and assesses whether we can keep…
Tuesday links: China defence policy, Qatar, Iraq, Boston, peak car and more
The dark side of Qatar: 94% of the labour force is foreign, working under 'near-feudal' conditions. I have been remiss in not linking to China's new defence white paper,…
Monday links: Carbon emissions, Middle East, China scholarships and more
The world emits more carbon per unit of energy than it did a decade ago because of the growth in coal. A junior minister in the UK Government visits Melanesia. (Thanks Danielle…
Thursday links: Climate, Thatcher, Myanmar, US foreign service and more
Myanmar has come a long way in a short time, but the tough reforms are yet to come. Dilbert creator Scott Adams' optimistic take on climate change, nuclear weapons, crime, debt…
Wednesday linkage: John Howard, austerity, Boston bombs, SBY and more
Is the British/German/American craze for fiscal austerity during a downturn based on research containing a crucial spreadsheet error? China's economic story is not one of the…
Tuesday links: Boston bombing edition
Check out CNN, the Boston Globe and the NY Times for live coverage. Here's the Reddit thread. President Obama's statement: 'We still do not know who did this or why. And people…
Monday links: North Korea, soft power, Adam Scott, Paul Krugman and more
Why does China have such a hard time with soft power? ChinaFile hosts a conversation. 50 years since The Spy Who came in From the Cold. John Le Carre reflects. (Thanks Michael…