Uncategorised and other

Thursday links: Nuclear cuts, Iran in Syria, China urbanisation and more
Obama's proposal for further substantial nuclear weapons' cuts gets cool reception in Moscow. The world is 'woefully fragile to the rare, extreme events that drive history.' A…
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
G20 needs to pay attention to WTO
In an opinion piece in The Australian Financial Review, Mark Thirlwell writes that the WTO needs to be prepared for the ways in which looming mega-regional deals will change the…
Tuesday links: Pakistan, Germany, North Korea, Vietnam, Japan and more
Sure, why not, they can afford it: Pakistan announces a huge military budget increase. Our thanks to Sir Humphrey at the British milblog Thin Pinstriped Line for his kind…
Monday links: Syria, China overcapacity, Thailand, UAVs, green tech and more
Last Friday's US announcement that it would send military aid to Syrian rebels was ambiguous, but has since been followed up with a leak confirming that this will include arms…
The Lowy Institute Poll 2013
The Lowy Institute Poll 2013
The ninth annual Lowy Institute Poll reports the results of a nationally representative survey of 1,002 Australian adults conducted by mobile and fixed-line telephone in…
Saving multilateralism: the G20, the WTO, and world trade
Saving multilateralism: the G20, the WTO, and world trade
The multilateral trading system, an important contributor to global peace and prosperity, is in trouble.  In a new Lowy Institute Analysis for the G20 Studies Centre, Mark…
Thursday links: G-Zero world, Vietnam's media, AirSea Battle, TPP and more
New Statesman cover story from Ian Bremmer: 'There are three big unfolding geopolitical stories: China’s rise, Middle East turmoil and the redesign of Europe. The three…
Wednesday links: China threat, East China Sea, How Asia Works and more
Former Japanese Defence minister Satoshi Morimoto: 'Japan, and most ASEAN countries, face a very serious Chinese military threat.' A satirical article that reports on the US in…
Tuesday links: NSA, Hillary on Twitter, China's middle class and more
Big Brother? Not so much. A contrarian take on the NSA online surveillance story. Delightful: 'words carry hidden baggage that may play at least some role in shaping thought…
Trade and the G20
Trade and the G20
This issue of the Monitor examines international trade and the role of the G20. Over coming months the Monitor will cover in detail a number of issues that are, or should be on…