Uncategorised and other

Thursday links: Donilon, Power, Rice, Chinese cars, IMF, Poso and more
Just two days before the summit with Xi Jinping, the White House announces a big staff change: Tom Donilon out as national security adviser and Susan Rice in. Rice is vacating…
Wednesday links: US media, Korea's dark side, Khmer Rouge and more
As the Khmer Rouge Tribunal grinds on, a serious assessment of its successes and failures. (Thanks Milton.) The Smoke-Filled Room looks like a politics blog worth following. (H…
Tuesday links: Solar, AirSea Battle, Turkey, Japan, Iran, America and more
Life expectancy is declining for some American women. Iran's sexual revolution. (It's paywalled, but just Google the headline to get around it.) The Japanese Self-Defense…
Monday links: ASEAN, Shangri La Dialogue, FIFA, SE Asia and more
The Edge Review is a newish weekly on Southeast Asian affairs. There's a registration process to get to the content. An updated version of the story Rory Medcalf broke…
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
One of the most significant developments in global economic leadership in recent years has been the development of the G20 Leaders’ Summit.After a positive start,…
Thursday links: Sexism in Japan, Syria, Indonesia, Hannah Arendt and more
I really wish I had flagged this earlier, but the ABC's Waleed Aly has been broadcasting his drivetime program from Jakarta all week. (Thanks Steve.) Bruce Scheier: 'The…
Wednesday links: Australia-Brazil, US economy, solar, BBC poll and more
Occasional Interpreter contributor Tim Dunne replies to Stephen Walt on liberal interventionism (or 'imperialism', as Walt has it). Great Southern Lands: Building ties between…
Great Southern Lands: Building ties between Australia and Brazil
Great Southern Lands: Building ties between Australia and Brazil
This report brings together four essays from Australian and Brazilian authors that collectively aim to shed some light on Brazil and its future importance to Australia and the…
Tuesday links: Greece, drones, China in central Asia, Paris '68 and more
Social media changing the face of PNG politics. (Thanks Danielle.) Cripes: 'most of Greece’s land transaction records are still handwritten in ledgers, logged in by last names…
Thursday links: Indo-Pacific, Syria's drought, Myanmar, Arab Idol and more
The breakout Palestinian star of this year's Arab Idol provides an irresistible metaphor for the Middle East peace process. Construction on the world's tallest building is due…