Uncategorised and other

Wednesday links: China child abduction, Arctic methane, econoblogs and more
The release of methane from melting Arctic permafrost could cost the world $60 trillion, says the journal Nature. The entire global economy was worth $70 trillion in 2012. …
Development links: Asylum seekers, Vietnam, India, big data and more
The role of Australia's aid program in the PNG asylum seeker plan is the subject of this powerful piece from Jo Chandler. This turned out to be prescient blog post from the…
Tuesday links: AQAP, arctic ships, China forecasts, Egypt, Japan and more
US challenges abroad: Michael Fullilove's recent appearance on the Charlie Rose Show now online. 'Volatility is a central feature of the Chinese economy.' A China forecaster…
Friday links: Streets of Tehran, Pew survey, Aussies in Syria and more
The US Navy wants $65 million in emergency funds to deal with a new mystery weapon. (Thanks Raoul.) An Iranian version of The Sartorialist: The Tehran Times looks at street…
Monday links: Morsi, Defence White Paper, McDonald's and more
The new issue of Security Challenges is out, focusing on the 2013 Defence White Paper. Was Morsi's ouster a coup? Don't ask Wikipedia. Kornelius Purba in the Jakarta Post…
Financial regulation and the G20
Financial regulation and the G20
This issue of the Monitor examines financial regulation and the role of the G20. It is part of a series examining specific issues on the G20 agenda. The next Monitor will cover…
Thursday links: Abbott, Capital flows, disasters, bloggers, Indonesia and more
World Affairs Journal has an in-depth interview with Tony Abbott. The Guardian has pulled out some of the more interesting quotes. A new Brookings study on the growing role of…
Monday links: Rohani as Obama, immigration, illicit finance and more
Dani Rodrik on the future of economic growth. An extremist Buddhist movement preaching an anti-Muslim creed is getting backing from Burma's government and factions in Aung San…
Thursday links: Rudd and Gillard, climate change, copyright and more
The SMH has collated a list of international responses to Australia's leadership fiasco. I'll add an interesting piece from WonkBlog which looks at possible climate change…
Monday links: Lowy poll, Africa's boom, big data, drone journalism and more
More signs of economic integration between Beijing and Taipei. (Thanks Malcolm.) The Reuters Institute has released a new report on the potential of drone journalism. The ABC's…