Asia Pacific Security

Typhoon Haiyan: Disaster response highlights diplomacy of aid, boosts countries' influence
Typhoon Haiyan: Disaster response highlights diplomacy of aid, boosts countries' influence
In this piece for ABC News, Rory Medcalf looks at the strategic consequences already evident in responses to Typhoon Haiyan in Asia.Rory Medcalf
India's subtle China strategy
India's subtle China strategy
In this article for The National Interest, Danielle Rajendram argues that India deserves more credit for the way it has managed its relations with China in the face of…
Pivot to Asia has not fallen off its axis
Pivot to Asia has not fallen off its axis
In this piece for the Australian, Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Alan Dupont examines President Obama's absence from APEC and the East Asia Summit in the context of…
Fleet review good start, now for Defence
Fleet review good start, now for Defence
In this article for The Australian, James Brown and Rory Medcalf assess Australia's readiness to face the changing strategic circumstances in the Indo-Pacific.James Brown ,…
Rebalancing Australia's role in Asia
Rebalancing Australia's role in Asia
In this article in The Wall Street Journal Asia Edition, Rory Medcalf argues the need for Australia's new Coalition government to bring steadiness to matters of…
Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
Politics clouds progress on India-Pakistan tensions
In this article on The Diplomat's The Pulse blog, Danielle Rajendram looks at the interplay between domestic politics and foreign policy in India's relations with Pakistan…
Indo-Pacific maritime security in the 21st century: Proceedings of an international conference
Indo-Pacific maritime security in the 21st century: Proceedings of an international conference
This volume contains the proceedings of a conference on Indo-Pacific Maritime Security in the 21st Century, which was convened on February 21 and 22, 2011, at the…
Sweet and sour in defence take on China
Sweet and sour in defence take on China
In an opinion piece in The Australian Financial Review, Rory Medcalf, Director of the International Security Program, writes that the 2013 Australian Defence White Paper takes a…
Senator the Hon. David Johnston: speech to the Lowy Institute
Senator the Hon. David Johnston: speech to the Lowy Institute
On 29 April 2013, Shadow Defence Minister Senator David Johnston gave a lecture to the Lowy Institute on the Coalition's defence policy in the lead-up to the release of the…
Manila's South China Sea gambit
Manila's South China Sea gambit
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at the implications of the Philippines' legal challenge to China on the South China Sea under the…