Asia Pacific Security

An Asian security standoff
Journal Articles
An Asian security standoff
Lowy Institute Non-resident Senior Fellow Alan Dupont has published an article in the May-June 2012 issue of The National Interest on how the dissolution of the Old Order in East…
Eyes north as the Asian giant stirs
Eyes north as the Asian giant stirs
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Lowy Institute Non-resident Senior Fellow Alan Dupont writes that an under-par defence white paper still may be useful in illustrating…
A U.S. naval blockade of China?
A U.S. naval blockade of China?
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf explores how potential conflict between the United States and China might unfold.Rory Medcalf
India and China: competitive coexistence in the Asian Century
India and China: competitive coexistence in the Asian Century
In this book chapter, the Lowy Institute’s Rory Medcalf and Ashley Townshend examine the factors that are likely to influence the strategic dynamic of the China-India…
Extract from 'The China choice: why America should share power'
Extract from 'The China choice: why America should share power'
This is an extract from The China choice: why America should share power by Hugh White, published by Black Inc. The China choice will be released on Monday 6 August, RRP $29.99,…
Inflection point: The Australian Defence Force after Afghanistan
Policy Briefs
Inflection point: The Australian Defence Force after Afghanistan
In every era there are inflection points which require long-established institutions to re-evaluate their goals, strategy, structure and resource allocations to ensure their…
The 2012 national elections in Papua New Guinea: Averting violence
Policy Briefs
The 2012 national elections in Papua New Guinea: Averting violence
The 2012 general elections in Papua New Guinea are likely to be marred by violence. The increased financial bounty at stake, the enhanced value of political office, the…
Living with the dragon: why Australia needs a China strategy
Policy Briefs
Living with the dragon: why Australia needs a China strategy
In this Policy Brief, Lowy Institute Non-resident Senior Fellow, Professor Alan Dupont argues that Australia has failed to grasp the full implications of China’s meteoric rise or…
Secrecy and stratagem: understanding Chinese strategic culture
Secrecy and stratagem: understanding Chinese strategic culture
To cope with a rising China, other powers will need a close understanding of Chinese strategic culture. This paper seeks to identify the enduring features of Chinese strategic…
The quiet achiever: Australia-Japan security relations
The quiet achiever: Australia-Japan security relations
In the last decade, Australia has quietly and quickly become a close security partner to Japan, second only to the United States. For Australia, no security relationship outside…