
Myanmar coup: ASEAN’s quiet diplomacy is more constructive
Myanmar coup: ASEAN’s quiet diplomacy is more constructive
The recent coup in Myanmar is a chance to let the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ way of quiet diplomacy do its work. There has been criticism of ASEAN for not doing more…
Southeast Asia’s post-pandemic recovery outlook
Southeast Asia’s post-pandemic recovery outlook
Originally published on Brooking's Order From Chaos blog.
Aggressive sea control isn’t an option for India’s navy
Aggressive sea control isn’t an option for India’s navy
An interesting debate has emerged in the pages of The Interpreter involving maritime strategy. Arzan Tarapore wrote an article last month arguing that India should prioritise a…
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The Quad gives a boost to India’s vaccine diplomacy
The most notable takeaway from the first-ever “Quad” leaders meeting involving the US, India, Japan and Australia at the weekend was the agreement on expanding the global vaccine…
Troubles ahead for the US–South Korea alliance
Troubles ahead for the US–South Korea alliance
The new Biden administration in Washington is reviewing its North Korea policy, a process that is expected to be completed next month. Pressure from experts is mounting for the…
China’s threat to the US makes us a power player
China’s threat to the US makes us a power player
There’s a seminal shift underway in Australia’s relationship with the US based on mutual need and Morrison’s determination to act more forcefully. Originally published in The…
A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
A new “concert” to govern the Indo-Pacific
The joint statement issued following the weekend meeting of the four “Quad” leaders was titled “The Spirit of the Quad”. This title could be read as either self-affirmation or…
The Belt and Road, and the pandemic detour
The Belt and Road, and the pandemic detour
Book review: Daniel Drache, A.T. Kingsmith and Duan Qi, One Road, Many Dreams: China’s Bold Plan to Remake the Global Economy (London, Bloomsbury, 2019). The economic fallout of…
A smarter use of voting technology to stop election-related violence
A smarter use of voting technology to stop election-related violence
Two months after pro-Trump rioters’ cries of “stop the steal” have faded from the US Capitol, many Americans are still reeling from the assault on their most hallowed halls of…
Economic diplomacy: The business of coups and China’s Quad response
Economic diplomacy: The business of coups and China’s Quad response
Myanmar money When Norway’s central bank put Japan’s third-biggest food company on a watch list for disinvestment last week, it demonstrated that at least one thing seems to be…