
Erasing memory in China’s Tibet
Erasing memory in China’s Tibet
This article draws from the “Tibet: Colonialism with Chinese characteristics?” episode of The Little Red Podcast, which features interviews and chat celebrating China beyond the…
A Duterte dynasty?
A Duterte dynasty?
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s six-year term is drawing to a close in 2022, and under the current constitution, he isn’t eligible for re-election. Incumbent leaders have…
India must be realistic about Russia relations
India must be realistic about Russia relations
The visit to Moscow by India’s Foreign Secretary Harsh Shringla on 17–18 February was his first overseas trip outside South Asia during the corona crisis, underscoring the…
Why Aussie exporters won’t be toasting China or the US
Why Aussie exporters won’t be toasting China or the US
Lock the doors When the China trade numbers were released on Tuesday, you could hardly blame Australia’s 2500 winemakers if they locked themselves in the cellar with a nice…
The ups and downs of the Vietnam–North Korea relationship
The ups and downs of the Vietnam–North Korea relationship
When the 2019 Hanoi summit ended in failure, then–US President Donald Trump generously offered his counterpart, North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un, a ride home on Air Force One…
What are China’s leaders saying about the South China Sea?
What are China’s leaders saying about the South China Sea?
When China began three days of military exercises in the South China Sea’s Gulf of Tonkin back in January, some observers speculated that Beijing was testing the new Biden…
Afghanistan: To leave or not to leave
Afghanistan: To leave or not to leave
The peace agreement between the United States and Taliban signed in Doha last February is likely to be scrapped if the US and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation unilaterally…
How China is remaking the world in its vision
How China is remaking the world in its vision
This is an edited extract of an essay in the latest issue of Australian Foreign Affairs, The March of Autocracy, published today. Originally published in The Conversation…
Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech?
Are Indonesia’s “rubber” laws limiting freedom of speech?
In an unexpected announcement, Indonesian President Joko (Jokowi) Widodo this month called upon Indonesia’s military and police leadership to “improve supervision to ensure…
Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members
Expanding the CPTPP: A form guide to prospective members
In February, the United Kingdom became the first nation to formally apply to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), the 11…