
Myanmar’s personalised politics
Myanmar’s personalised politics
Anyone looking at photographs and film footage of events in Myanmar could be forgiven for thinking that the violent confrontation between demonstrators and security forces…
Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
In recent years – and for good reason - the strategic commentariat in both Australia and India has become increasingly concerned with the rise of China’s maritime power and the…
Endorsing “self-reliance”, Beijing raises the geopolitical stakes
Endorsing “self-reliance”, Beijing raises the geopolitical stakes
China’s yearly National People’s Congress (NPC), which convened last week in Beijing, generated more attention than usual. Most of the headlines focused on the confab’s decisions…
Something has to give: The cost of no peace in Afghanistan
Something has to give: The cost of no peace in Afghanistan
The United States and the Afghan Taliban signed the “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan” in Doha on 29 February 2020. Part of the deal was that the US would withdraw all…
What Europe needs to know about Xi Jinping
What Europe needs to know about Xi Jinping
The Chinese president has no rivals or likely successors and fervently believes in China’s unstoppable rise. Originally published in Politico.
The politics of being Chinese in Australia
The politics of being Chinese in Australia
The release of the Lowy Institute’s Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities, based on one of the largest surveys of the Chinese-Australian community ever…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Natasha Kassam and Jane Perlez on Australia and China
Lowy Institute Conversations: Natasha Kassam and Jane Perlez on Australia and China
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Senior Fellow Richard McGregor sits down with Natasha Kassam and Jane Perlez to discuss new Lowy Institute research relating to…
Cracks beginning to appear in the Russia-India relationship
Cracks beginning to appear in the Russia-India relationship
India’s annual summit with Russia was cancelled last year for the first time since its inception – the official reason, as was commonly blamed for many abandoned events, Covid-19…
Harness collective clout of allies to counter China’s power
Harness collective clout of allies to counter China’s power
Unless like-minded nations bind together to push back in unison, Beijing will keep singling out countries for punishment at little cost to its interest. Originally published in…
Agalega: A glimpse of India’s remote island military base
Agalega: A glimpse of India’s remote island military base
The small, remote Mauritian island of North Agalega, located in the south-western Indian Ocean, 1,122 kilometres north of Mauritius, is currently a hive of construction activity…