Australia and Asia

Why Australia needs to own its strategic power
Why Australia needs to own its strategic power
Australia will need to shape a region likely to be made up of a messy patchwork of coalitions, rather than a grand concert of powers. First published in the Australian…
The big picture: five lessons for five years of the Asia Power Index
The big picture: five lessons for five years of the Asia Power Index
This morning we released the 2023 edition of the Lowy Institute Asia Power Index. This data-driven assessment measures national resources and international influence to determine…
Reality-checking the democracy agenda
Reality-checking the democracy agenda
Eight months into the Labor administration led by Anthony Albanese, Australia has begun to reinvoke, albeit cautiously, the idea of supporting democracy and a rules-based order in…
Asian Century White Paper: a decade on
Asian Century White Paper: a decade on
It is just over ten years since the Australia government released its Australia in the Asian Century White Paper. Released in the final months of Julia Gillard’s prime…
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
Islands as stepping stones for India-Australia collaboration
As maritime neighbours, India and Australia form the bookends of the Indian Ocean region. At a time of “big power muscle movement”, as Australia’s Navy Fleet Commander Rear…
Confident, competent, inconsistent: Australia’s strategic personality
Confident, competent, inconsistent: Australia’s strategic personality
There is broad agreement that Australian diplomacy and defence policy need to change to meet the challenges posed by a more dynamic region. But does Australia need something more …
Supporting democracy without fighting autocracies
Supporting democracy without fighting autocracies
The new US National Security Strategy, released last week, reaffirmed that the Biden administration sees competition with autocracies as its top challenge. This message has…
Building a better development finance institution: Australia’s opportunity
Building a better development finance institution: Australia’s opportunity
Last week, Roland Rajah and Jenny Gordon wrote illuminating pieces on the pros and cons of Australia setting up its own development finance institution, or DFI. The debate comes…
A new Marcos gets down to business
A new Marcos gets down to business
Sugar coating As Australia’s former prime minister Scott Morrison has drawn international attention for his efforts to secretly grab power, the region’s newest leader is…
Asia skills critical to Australia’s economic future and security
Asia skills critical to Australia’s economic future and security
The Albanese government will hold its Jobs and Skills Summit next week in Canberra amid fierce debate about immigration, skills shortages, real wage growth and an uncertain…