Australia-United States Relations

Deterring at a distance: The strategic logic of AUKUS
Deterring at a distance: The strategic logic of AUKUS
With regional security anxieties rising, nuclear-powered submarines are the optimal deterrence machines.
Beyond Biden vs Trump: The other US elections that matter
Beyond Biden vs Trump: The other US elections that matter
Many Australians are following the rematch in the 2024 US presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Trump's reality TV approach to politics makes it hard to avert…
Australia confronts an Indonesian nickel glut
Australia confronts an Indonesian nickel glut
Australia’s undercooked economic relationship with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was naturally a focal point of discussion during the ASEAN–Australia Special Summit…
Economic diplomacy: To market, to market, with China
Economic diplomacy: To market, to market, with China
Trading up Australia’s international economic engagement kicked off in 2003 with then foreign minister Alexander Downer telling his Cabinet colleagues that he was set to claim…
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Last month, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon stated geopolitics is now the biggest global risk to the economy. Australian business leaders on the receiving end of Chinese economic…
AUKUS: A debate after the fact is still worth having
AUKUS: A debate after the fact is still worth having
Book review: The Echidna Strategy: Australia's Search for Power and Peace (La Trobe University Press, 2023) When Robert Menzies announced his retirement in January 1966,…
AUKUS and intellectual property
AUKUS and intellectual property
While nuclear-powered submarines steal much of the media limelight, the AUKUS security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States is about much…
The Australia-New Zealand alliance in a war with China
The Australia-New Zealand alliance in a war with China
A week before New Zealand declared a National State of Emergency for the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, Chris Hipkins made the pilgrimage to Canberra expected of…
Getting ready for Trump as President 47
Getting ready for Trump as President 47
Paul Kelly’s recently published book, Morrison’s Mission: How a Beginner Reshaped Australian Foreign Policy, provides the most detailed account yet of the formation of the country…
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
It would be reasonable for Australians to feel some annoyance at being, once again, on the receiving end of an odd mixture of criticism and sympathy from America’s far-right…