Australia-United States Relations

Getting ready for Trump as President 47
Getting ready for Trump as President 47
Paul Kelly’s recently published book, Morrison’s Mission: How a Beginner Reshaped Australian Foreign Policy, provides the most detailed account yet of the formation of the country…
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
Australia and the American far-right conspiracy
It would be reasonable for Australians to feel some annoyance at being, once again, on the receiving end of an odd mixture of criticism and sympathy from America’s far-right…
What Australia needs to ask itself about the United States
What Australia needs to ask itself about the United States
The Australian and American debates about China’s rise have followed similar trajectories, but differ in at least one key way. Australia’s hinges, in part, on whether it can trust…
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
With the exception of India, the common thread linking the United States’ Indo-Pacific and broader China strategy so far has been the rallying of long-standing US allies. …
AUKUS: What happens if the Republicans play the Trump card?
AUKUS: What happens if the Republicans play the Trump card?
Upon the recent announcement of the new AUKUS defence pact between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison described the…
AUKUS + Indonesia
AUKUS + Indonesia
The debut of AUKUS – the trilateral military grouping between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States – has sent a shockwave across the Indo-Pacific. Prime Minister…
Economic diplomacy: After AUKUS in trade, aid and technology
Economic diplomacy: After AUKUS in trade, aid and technology
Waiting line China is now the top export and import partner for 12 of the other 20 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group and a top one-way partner for…
Australia is Making a Risky Bet on the U.S.
Australia is Making a Risky Bet on the U.S.
Australia has thrust itself into a central role in America’s rivalry with China. Originally published in The New York Times.
What a new defence pact reveals about America
What a new defence pact reveals about America
A deal between the United States, Britain, and Australia serves as a rebuttal of the argument that Washington is in retreat. First published in The Atlantic.
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
China’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) just hours after announcement of the new tripartite AUKUS (Australia,…