Australia-United States Relations

From one friend to another after an eventful first month
From one friend to another after an eventful first month
This is an edited version of remarks delivered at the National Press Club in Canberra on 21 February, 2017, in a panel discussion with Rory Medcalf. The full text can be…
Joe Hockey and the limits of mateship
Joe Hockey and the limits of mateship
More details are emerging of the Australian government’s thinking on how to handle a volatile and erratic Trump White House, and how it might repair some of the damage following…
Fighting with America: Trump is the biggest stress test for ANZUS yet
Fighting with America: Trump is the biggest stress test for ANZUS yet
Just as modern-day Australia has something of an Anzac fixation, it also has an ANZUS obsession. Both play on national myths, exaggerated foundation stories and a misremembering…
How US protectionism would threaten Australia
How US protectionism would threaten Australia
The impact of US President-elect Donald Trump's intended withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Australia could be seen as relatively benign, if one concentrated…
ANZUS: Former Defence chief takes on the doubters
ANZUS: Former Defence chief takes on the doubters
Australian and US military forces have worked together for almost a century. It’s a partnership forged under fire that has evolved into an alliance we should work hard to preserve…
The Trump ascendency and the end of ANZUS bipartisanship
The Trump ascendency and the end of ANZUS bipartisanship
Michael Fullilove is right to argue that ANZUS is bigger than any one individual, even when that person happens to be the US president.  However, Trump's election has…
Gillard and Clinton: The pull of an old friendship
Gillard and Clinton: The pull of an old friendship
It got off to a rocky start, but the relationship between Hillary Clinton and former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has become a warm and respectful one that is likely to…
Much at stake for Turnbull and the region at East Asia Summit
The 10th East Asia Summit this weekend promises to be one of the most interesting bits of summitry in some time. This, the last stop on Malcolm Turnbull’s five-nation tour which…
The shocking truth: A Trump presidency could be good for ANZUS
'Should Donald Trump be elected US President, Australia should tear up the ANZUS alliance', leads this article by veteran analyst and political reporter, Daniel Flitton. He doesn…
As RAN prepares to exercise with China's navy, Australia risks a PR disaster
Australia and its Navy are in an awkward spot, caught between China and the US in the full glare of a global media spotlight shone on the South China Sea. Two Royal Australian…