Australia-United States Relations

US shift on Syria puts Canberra in a bind
US shift on Syria puts Canberra in a bind
President Donald Trump’s style of on-the-run Syria policy has once again reared its head, although this time it has been done via press release rather than Twitter. The…
Should ScoMo support Trump’s “madman” tactics?
Should ScoMo support Trump’s “madman” tactics?
It makes good sense for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to look for areas of common interest during his forthcoming state visit with President Donald Trump. His interview with the…
A question of faith: future Coalition foreign policy under Morrison
A question of faith: future Coalition foreign policy under Morrison
In the darkest days of John Howard’s pre-Lazarus life, before the triple by-pass and successful political resurrection, one of the many ways he was disparaged as being unfit to be…
The special one: Australia, Ireland and the US working visa fight
The special one: Australia, Ireland and the US working visa fight
Christopher Meyer, Britain’s ambassador to Washington (1997 – 2003), observed that the United States had one special relationship, and that was with Ireland. The large and…
Admiral Harris, you can see China at a different angle from down here
Admiral Harris, you can see China at a different angle from down here
Originally published in The Australian. Euan Graham
AUSMIN: Regional issues deserve top billing
AUSMIN: Regional issues deserve top billing
Today’s AUSMIN could hardly be better timed, following recent terrorist attacks, North Korean nuclear provocations, and the weekend’s Shangri-La dialogue.  But, as is so…
The allure of orthodoxy and the peril of sentimentality
The allure of orthodoxy and the peril of sentimentality
In one respect, the symbolism of President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meeting aboard the USS Intrepid in New York on Thursday could not be more…
A question for alliance critics: What's your alternative?
A question for alliance critics: What's your alternative?
This is an edited version of remarks delivered at the National Press Club in Canberra on 21 February, 2017, in a panel discussion with Sir Angus Houston. The full text can be…
From one friend to another after an eventful first month
From one friend to another after an eventful first month
This is an edited version of remarks delivered at the National Press Club in Canberra on 21 February, 2017, in a panel discussion with Rory Medcalf. The full text can be…
Joe Hockey and the limits of mateship
Joe Hockey and the limits of mateship
More details are emerging of the Australian government’s thinking on how to handle a volatile and erratic Trump White House, and how it might repair some of the damage following…