
When China lashed out
When China lashed out
On the wintry night of 27 November 1950, Chinese troops suddenly descended upon the US 1st Marine Division and the 31st Regimental Combat Team around the frozen Chosin Reservoir,…
Avoiding a “lost decade” in the Pacific
Avoiding a “lost decade” in the Pacific
The horror year that has been 2020 is thankfully coming to an end with a dose of welcome optimism, now that vaccines are on the way. But the end is still far from within sight for…
Australia-Indonesia relations need to talk the talk
Australia-Indonesia relations need to talk the talk
This year has been one of great tumult at Australian universities. Not least are the nonsensical proposals to axe Indonesian language programs by several universities, such…
Do politicians really make “excellent envoys”?
Do politicians really make “excellent envoys”?
The Interpreter has kept its eyes on political appointees to Australia’s diplomatic posts. Daniel Flitton’s most recent piece ended with the observation that the government should…
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Originally published in World Politics Review.
The Afghan inquiry and the question of responsibility
The Afghan inquiry and the question of responsibility
The politics in the fallout over the release of the long-awaited Brereton report into allegations of war crimes by Australian troops in Afghanistan threatens to overtake the…
The case for going all-in on renewables
The case for going all-in on renewables
Current perceptions of renewables have been driven by the need to address climate change, a narrow view that overlooks benefits such as reducing our reliance on imported energy…
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
As a national champion departs the scene, a China food fight looms
Food for thought Picking winners and sacrificing national interests are two things that conservative politicians usually like to hold out as anathema. But it says a lot about…
More pollies in more posts
More pollies in more posts
I suppose Will Hodgman has plenty of experience in charge of a small island state. Because otherwise it’s a bit of a puzzle why the former Liberal premier of Tasmania should be…
We’ve been trolled – expect more of it, because it worked
We’ve been trolled – expect more of it, because it worked
With a wicked and now infamous tweet, Australia has joined India, the US, Canada, and the Pope on a list of those China’s “wolf warrior” diplomat in chief Zhao Lijian has…