
Loyalty tests make Australia weaker, not stronger
Loyalty tests make Australia weaker, not stronger
Concern about China’s creeping influence in Australia has dominated headlines in recent years. So it makes sense, from a national security perspective, to understand and engage…
India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun
India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun
The Quad – the grouping comprised of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States – held its first stand-alone foreign ministerial meeting this month in Tokyo. In the words of…
Kiwis and hawks: Is New Zealand edging closer to Australia on China?
Kiwis and hawks: Is New Zealand edging closer to Australia on China?
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade describes Australia and New Zealand as “natural allies with a strong trans-Tasman sense of family”. New Zealand claims it has “no…
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
Australia's Security and the Rules-Based Order: Tracking a Decade of Policy Evolution
In this feature, we identify ten recurring propositions about the rules-based order and show it's evolution through national debate and government policy. Explore how the rules…
Stepping past the fatalism trap
Stepping past the fatalism trap
The Australian government is fatalistic about its ability to shape the future of the Indo-Pacific region. This stems from longstanding assumptions – as Coral Bell wrote more than…
A Quad of consequence: Balancing values and strategy
A Quad of consequence: Balancing values and strategy
What makes the Quad foreign ministers conversation this week in Tokyo consequential? Probably the strategic setting – a pandemic, global economic contraction and an accelerated…
Smart China choices
Smart China choices
Australian commentators often appear eager to paint Australia’s China choices in stark binaries. “The money or our sovereignty: China leaves us no choice” is one representative…
Evaluating aid in the Pacific
Evaluating aid in the Pacific
Each year, more than US $2 billion of foreign aid is invested in the Pacific Islands region, equivalent to roughly 8% of the region’s GDP. This aid comes in the form of thousands…
How much did the spies really know about the virus?
How much did the spies really know about the virus?
Something doesn’t quite line up in Bob Woodward’s latest book – and you have to look at what we know about intelligence assessments in Australia to understand why. Woodward tells…
Building a Covid vaccine strategy for Australia
Building a Covid vaccine strategy for Australia
This month, Australia signed a partnership with AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company behind the University of Oxford’s proposed Covid-19 vaccine, securing the rights to locally…