
Putting real Australian money on the table to help Indonesia
Putting real Australian money on the table to help Indonesia
Australia is lending A$1.5 billion to Indonesia to help it get through the economic crisis unleashed by Covid-19. This is welcome news and another sign of Australia stepping up to…
Japan-Australia: The chance to sweeten the deal
Japan-Australia: The chance to sweeten the deal
Typically, much of the initial foreign policy interest in a new (or slightly revised) Japanese government tends to look towards the United States – to consider the…
Leading by example: Two different responses to China’s rise
Leading by example: Two different responses to China’s rise
Australia and the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea) stand as critical security partners with the United States, and have supported the open, rules-based international order…
A Trump legacy?
A Trump legacy?
The “who won” question isn’t quite resolved. Bleary-eyed pundits fossicking over every county result are making about as much sense – and as much noise — as a flock of seagulls…
Taking China seriously: A review of Geoff Raby’s “grand strategy”
Taking China seriously: A review of Geoff Raby’s “grand strategy”
Book Review: Geoff Raby, China’s Grand Strategy and Australia’s Future in the New Global Order (Melbourne University Press, 2020) Since the middle of the 19th century, four…
Taiwan: Rising stakes for Australia
Taiwan: Rising stakes for Australia
The Taiwan Strait is a key hotspot in the intensifying US-China rivalry, where the two superpowers’ spheres of influence overlap. Beijing claims the area as a uncompromisable …
Shocking abuse of female passengers in Doha demands resolute response
Shocking abuse of female passengers in Doha demands resolute response
If he’s not already, Qatar’s ambassador in Canberra should be prepared to fly home on short notice. If he wants to use Qatar Airways, fine. But he might also need to tell the…
Preparing for when climate change drives people from their homes
Preparing for when climate change drives people from their homes
While the Pacific has pulled off a miracle by remaining largely Covid-19–free, the economic devastation in the pandemic’s wake is wreaking havoc across the region. Economies are…
Economic diplomacy: Japanese investment takes a Toll
Economic diplomacy: Japanese investment takes a Toll
Will the bell Toll? The quiet flood of Japanese investment into Australia over the past few years amid at times mounting alarm about much lower levels of Chinese investment has…
Filling the gap: How Australia is creating its own “China problem”
Filling the gap: How Australia is creating its own “China problem”
Australia is creating its own “China problem” by not adequately funding research, cultural and language training, and by not taking seriously the national security implications of…