
Book Review: Where borders aren’t always badlands
Book Review: Where borders aren’t always badlands
Book review: Mark Moran and Jodie Curth-Bibb (eds) Too Close to Ignore (Melbourne University Press, 2020) Borders have been in the news in Australia, with the novel if…
Tackling environmental security threats in the Indian Ocean
Tackling environmental security threats in the Indian Ocean
The explosion and fire on board a supertanker off Sri Lanka this month, following closely on last month’s disastrous oil spill in Mauritius, serve as a reminder that environmental…
Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Scott Morrison must balance our role between great powers
Originally published in The Australian.
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Journalists are just pawns in China’s bigger game
Originally published in The Australian.
No news is not good news
No news is not good news
The rushed departure from China of two Australian journalists, the ABC’s Bill Birtles and the Australian Financial Review’s Michael Smith, marks a new low in a relationship…
Islamic State’s new battleground – the courts
Islamic State’s new battleground – the courts
In the aftermath of Islamic State’s defeat, it was anticipated that fighters and other members of the group would appeal to the very court system of a liberal democracy whose laws…
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
Australia, all is not lost despite China’s trade tantrums
When Canberra called for an international, independent inquiry into Covid-19 in April, Beijing deployed trade restrictions measures against Australian beef and barley the next…
Pandemic democracy
Pandemic democracy
How will Covid-19 affect electoral democracy in Australia and around the world? The pandemic has starkly revealed two fundamental aspects of successful democracy: the extent of a…
FITS and starts
FITS and starts
Come December 2020, the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme (FITS) will have been in force for two years in Australia. Since its enactment in late 2018, FITS has courted…
Covid economic recovery a long-term test for Australian leadership
Covid economic recovery a long-term test for Australian leadership
Although Melbourne’s secondary wave of coronavirus infection has been a significant setback, Australia’s economic recovery from the pandemic is well underway. We must now grapple,…