
Share, like, comment, attack: Social media as weapon and battlefield
Share, like, comment, attack: Social media as weapon and battlefield
The Australian Senate has appointed a select committee to inquire into the risks posed to Australian democracy by foreign interference via social media platforms such as Facebook…
India and Australia: Reciprocity, mutuality, and promise
India and Australia: Reciprocity, mutuality, and promise
India has long had a reputation in Australia as being a challenging negotiator that may not share the same enthusiasm for concluding free trade agreements. India may argue that…
We’ve already had Our Very Own Brexit
We’ve already had Our Very Own Brexit
In what we now see in retrospect as something of a political “golden age” – say from the early 20th century through to the 1980s or so – political parties were the institution…
Diego Garcia: The costs of defending an Indian Ocean outpost
Diego Garcia: The costs of defending an Indian Ocean outpost
On 22 November, the United Kingdom failed to comply with UN Resolution 73/295 passed in May, which demanded the UK “withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos…
The Wang Liqiang case in Cold War perspective
The Wang Liqiang case in Cold War perspective
The recent publication of Peter Hartcher’s Quarterly Essay Red Flag: Waking Up to China’s Challenge coincided with fast-breaking stories about Chinese espionage and influence…
Hollowed out, but not unhinged
Hollowed out, but not unhinged
Sam Roggeveen has written a lively essay on the current state of Australian federal politics, centred on the hypothetical scenario that one of the two major parties takes an anti…
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
The recent allegations of Chinese espionage and election interference – and the subsequent doubts cast upon them – have reignited the China debate in the Australian public…
Cultural heritage key to regional development in PNG and Australia
Cultural heritage key to regional development in PNG and Australia
Regional museums and arts centres in Australia and Papua New Guinea are, in general, underfunded or insecurely funded. Yet these places offer significant opportunities for…
Taking the Confucius Institutes at face value
Taking the Confucius Institutes at face value
In recent years, the deepening of Australia’s engagement with China (our most important trade partner) has exacerbated concerns over the motivations and consequences of its…
Time with Trump: Australia and Southeast Asia compared
Time with Trump: Australia and Southeast Asia compared
Over the last two years, US President Donald Trump has made two trips to Southeast Asia and none to Australia. Despite this, according to White House media notifications, Prime…