
Jokowi’s Canberra trip: A step ahead on a long road
Jokowi’s Canberra trip: A step ahead on a long road
In any relationship, it’s never a great sign when both parties have to reassure each other constantly about the strength of their bond. The more you feel the need to say it, the…
Next steps in Australia’s coronavirus strategy
Next steps in Australia’s coronavirus strategy
Australia is one of 72 countries that have so far imposed coronavirus travel restrictions. This has slowed the virus and bought us time, but at a price: people’s lives have been…
Australia-Indonesia: An uncertain world makes for firm friends
Australia-Indonesia: An uncertain world makes for firm friends
Indonesia’s former ambassador to Australia, Imron Cotan, recently characterised Indonesia and Australia as “like-minded” countries, speaking in the context of economic priorities…
Australian politics: Trouble at the top, again
Australian politics: Trouble at the top, again
Barnaby Joyce tried to bounce back to the top echelon of Australia politics this week – forcing yet another leadership challenge for a party in government, although unlike the…
Where Latin America can learn from Australia in dealing with China
Where Latin America can learn from Australia in dealing with China
In the past decade, Latin America has become one of the venues for the strategic dispute between the United States and China. This is a natural consequence of Beijing’s growing…
A new ambassador in Washington
A new ambassador in Washington
Joe Hockey, former Treasurer, has stepped down as Australia’s ambassador to the United States and will soon be replaced by another former cabinet minister, Arthur Sinodinos. In…
Scott Morrison wasn’t at the Raisina Dialogue, but his ideas were
Scott Morrison wasn’t at the Raisina Dialogue, but his ideas were
“India is not going to be a bastion of Western liberalism”, declared Stephen Harper, the former Prime Minister of Canada, at the inaugural session of the Raisina Dialogue, hosted…
The US is elbowing Australia and allies in a race for the China market
The US is elbowing Australia and allies in a race for the China market
US President Donald Trump was quite right when he declared the 15 January US­–China “Stage One” agreement an “unbelievable deal” for the United States. Unbelievable it is, though…
Q&A: Jason Rezaian on Kylie Moore-Gilbert’s nightmare in Iran
Q&A: Jason Rezaian on Kylie Moore-Gilbert’s nightmare in Iran
Jason Rezaian was correspondent for the Washington Post in Iran from 2012 to 2016 – only for more than 18 months of that time, he was unjustly held in Tehran’s notorious Evin…
Economic diplomacy: Two big-C issues
Economic diplomacy: Two big-C issues
Change of pace If Australia’s bushfire crisis has done one thing to inadvertently calm the national zeitgeist during the holiday season, it is in the way climate change has…