
A French perspective on Australia’s role in the Indian Ocean
A French perspective on Australia’s role in the Indian Ocean
Every government is struggling with the Covid-19 crisis, with one eye to the post-coronavirus world. In this context, it may be worth looking at the French perception of Australia…
Covid-19 is not only a health crisis, it’s a migration crisis
Covid-19 is not only a health crisis, it’s a migration crisis
As Covid-19 spreads around the globe, it is precipitating a series of other shocks, one of which is a crisis in human movement. Australia, as one of the key migrant-receiving…
Are you ready for how the coronavirus is transforming the world?
Are you ready for how the coronavirus is transforming the world?
As important as the health risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic and its containment are, leaders also need to start to think about the shape of the post–Covid-19 global economy…
The future ain’t what it used to be
The future ain’t what it used to be
What do the East Timorese defence force, “clean coal”, women’s empowerment, and Kevin Rudd’s first-term government have in common? The answer is the year 2020. Back when 2020…
Australia-Philippines: Prolonged partners
Australia-Philippines: Prolonged partners
The announcement by the Duterte administration last month that it will terminate the 1998 Philippines-US Visiting Forces Agreement will likely also raise questions about the…
COVIDcast - Episode 1: The global response to the coronavirus
COVIDcast - Episode 1: The global response to the coronavirus
COVIDcast is a Lowy Institute pop-up podcast for anyone interested in understanding the effect of coronavirus on global politics. Each week for the next few weeks, Lowy Institute…
Australia’s intelligence community needs another independent review
Australia’s intelligence community needs another independent review
The title alone is enough to make senior members of Australia’s intelligence community shudder. And fair enough – Australia’s intelligence agencies are a well-reviewed…
Playing to strengths: The best use of Australian aid in the Pacific
Playing to strengths: The best use of Australian aid in the Pacific
A review is underway into Australian aid policy, with consultations run across the country, and the public, scholars, and aid groups alike offering submissions ­– some of which…
Modern slavery reports, year one: What can we expect?
Modern slavery reports, year one: What can we expect?
In 2020, the Commonwealth’s much-heralded Modern Slavery Act (MSA) obliges Australian companies above a consolidated revenue threshold of $100 million to report on their policies…
Australia should speak out on India’s democratic crisis
Australia should speak out on India’s democratic crisis
Parts of India’s national capital have been rocked by the worst communal violence in decades, leaving more than 40 dead. The violence took place just as Australia’s Trade…