
China, America and the Thucydides Trap: An interview with Graham Allison
China, America and the Thucydides Trap: An interview with Graham Allison
Graham Allison, Director of Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs from 1995 until July 2017, is a leading analyst of US national security and defence…
Burn the books, bury the scholars!
Burn the books, bury the scholars!
Chinese censorship has come a long way. During his rule in the 2nd century BC, the First Emperor of a unified China famously quelled the intellectual diversity of his day by …
What the US would need to deter China
What the US would need to deter China
I am reassured to see from Ely Ratner's most recent post in our exchange on US-China relations and the South China Sea how much he and I agree about, because I have such a high…
Wolf Warrior II: Chinese exceptionalism is box office gold
Wolf Warrior II: Chinese exceptionalism is box office gold
Wolf Warrior II (WWII) has stormed the Chinese box office, becoming the highest-grossing film ever in China. After only 12 days in cinemas the film had taken 3.4…
India feeling the heat on Belt and Road
India feeling the heat on Belt and Road
In May, when China organised a major summit in Beijing around its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also known as 'One Belt, One Road', or OBOR), one invited country was…
Big job ahead for China’s new envoy to North Korea
Big job ahead for China’s new envoy to North Korea
Competition for the world’s most thankless jobs is hotting up. Donald Trump’s chief of staff, the Premier of China, the official standing next to the UK’s Panglossian Secretary of…
The Kra Canal: Double bypass
The Kra Canal: Double bypass
Recent reports that Thailand, with Chinese money, is planning to build a new canal between the Pacific and Indian Oceans have set off a new wave of alarm bells over China’s plans…
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
Growing extremism as source of strategic instability in Asia
North Korea's growing nuclear brinkmanship, renewed tensions between India and China along their disputed border and persistent frictions in the South China Sea have all…
The contradictory world of Chinese journalism
The contradictory world of Chinese journalism
Earlier this year, The New York Times reported that Yang Jisheng, a former senior journalist for China’s main state-owned news agency, Xinhua, was forbidden from traveling to…
The thought and messaging of Xi Jinping
The thought and messaging of Xi Jinping
What rides on a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) slogan? These days, a lot. It's surprising for those who saw the launch of Jiang Zemin's tepid 'Important Theory of the Three…