
Little to gain from linking Australia’s aid with China in the Pacific
Little to gain from linking Australia’s aid with China in the Pacific
The “Australia–China–Papua New Guinea Pilot Cooperation on Malaria Control Project” is one of the most famous aid projects in the Pacific. It is not a large project. Indeed, at …
US-China trade deal, phase one done: Now what?
US-China trade deal, phase one done: Now what?
It may go awry between now and the promised finalisation in January, but both the US and China now agree that phase one of the most difficult bilateral economic negotiation in…
Economic diplomacy: Indian trade, taming BRI, and diaspora business
Economic diplomacy: Indian trade, taming BRI, and diaspora business
Bollywood beckons India is planning a more expansive approach to economic engagement with Australia just as Australia gears up to restart formal negotiations on a bilateral trade…
Favourites of 2019: Yangyang Cheng
Favourites of 2019: Yangyang Cheng
As 2019 winds up, Lowy Institute staff and Interpreter contributors offer their favourite books, articles, films or TV programs this year. Or in this instance... For me, this…
Chart of the week: Global trade through a US-China lens
Chart of the week: Global trade through a US-China lens
Who dominates global trade? It is well recognised that China has become the world’s largest trading nation. Less appreciated is the effect this has had in displacing the United…
China’s Economic Choices
China’s Economic Choices
China’s economic growth has fallen to its slowest rate since 1990, and this deceleration looks set to continue unless China implements the kinds of deep reforms behind the…
Pacifying Australia-China relations
Pacifying Australia-China relations
Australia and China cooperating in the Pacific Islands? At first glance it seems absurd. Australia-China relations are hardly warm and glowing right now. Just in the last few…
In Australia’s China “debate”, there is no monopoly on morality
In Australia’s China “debate”, there is no monopoly on morality
The China “debate” in Australia has entered a new phase. Some are calling, with varying degrees of explicitness, for Australia to adopt a long-term, confrontational posture…
The Wang Liqiang case in Cold War perspective
The Wang Liqiang case in Cold War perspective
The recent publication of Peter Hartcher’s Quarterly Essay Red Flag: Waking Up to China’s Challenge coincided with fast-breaking stories about Chinese espionage and influence…
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
Reconsidering Australia’s China debate
The recent allegations of Chinese espionage and election interference – and the subsequent doubts cast upon them – have reignited the China debate in the Australian public…