
The next phase of the Belt and Road: Podcast out now
The next phase of the Belt and Road: Podcast out now
After Malaysia became the first country to tear up its corruptly overpriced BRI deals in 2018, this year has seen a shift in the rhetoric around China’s grand strategy. The…
Poles apart: The long shadow of US-China competition
Poles apart: The long shadow of US-China competition
From trade to cyber, from the South China Sea to outer space, strategic rivalry between the United States and China is shaping the international order. The polar regions seem no…
Economic diplomacy: Tourism power, defining China, and Vietnam jackpot
Economic diplomacy: Tourism power, defining China, and Vietnam jackpot
Paying the piper Last Thursday as Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne was talking up the role of values in foreign policy to a business audience in Canberra, Indonesia was…
What’s so strategic about baby-food?
What’s so strategic about baby-food?
The discussion about China’s bid for baby-formula supplier Bellamy’s Organic shows the usual confusion about just what should guide decisions on foreign investment in…
China-Taiwan: Solomon Islands’ switch and a “new normal”
China-Taiwan: Solomon Islands’ switch and a “new normal”
“A vacuum simply offers opportunities for others to fill it up.” That observation was offered by Vanuatu Member of Parliament Johnny Koanapo in a recent Facebook post. The…
Gladys Liu and the pitfalls of cultural anxiety
Gladys Liu and the pitfalls of cultural anxiety
This country’s diverse Chinese-Australian communities are hurting. From conversations with friends, I gather they feel burdened by an obligation to show loyalty to Australia that…
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
A rare image on social media of Indonesian paratroopers dropping into the troubled West Papua province this month was a stark reminder that, even in the age of 24/7 news,…
The wisdom of Solomons: Taiwan and China’s Pacific power play
The wisdom of Solomons: Taiwan and China’s Pacific power play
This article is based on the Little Red Podcast episode “Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Inside the Solomons’ Big Switch.” Taiwan’s relations with Solomon Islands started by…
Why did the NZ Opposition Leader jump the shark on China?
Why did the NZ Opposition Leader jump the shark on China?
One day (well, on 20 May of this year, to be precise) as Opposition Leader you’re launching a discussion document on your party’s international policies. “National’s positioning…
Cat videos meet Big Brother
Cat videos meet Big Brother
As digital technology and information become more sophisticated, so does the Chinese internet and the ways in which it influences its people’s behaviour. It has established a …