
Antarctica and the China test
Antarctica and the China test
At the current meeting in Hobart for CCAMLR, the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Australia is once again moving to establish marine…
Hong Kong protesters need a narrative – now
Hong Kong protesters need a narrative – now
As the demonstrations roll on in Hong Kong, the narrative surrounding the protests is as unclear as the tear gas clouds in Causeway Bay. While the visual drama tells a certain…
China’s own “Great Delusion”
China’s own “Great Delusion”
In his 2018 book The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities, international relations scholar John Mearsheimer argues that many of America’s post–cold war…
Rumblings along the federal fault line in Solomon Islands
Rumblings along the federal fault line in Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands made international headlines last week, with the New York Times running a story, “China is leasing an entire Pacific island. Its residents are shocked”. While the…
China’s carbon emissions trading scheme: Smoke and mirrors
China’s carbon emissions trading scheme: Smoke and mirrors
Chinese officials have recently given some important indications about the design of China’s much-anticipated – and much-hyped – national carbon emissions trading scheme (ETS),…
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
You may have seen photos in recent days of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hunched over a beach, picking up rubbish. While the images presented an opportunity for media to…
China and the problem with liberal values in a corporate world
China and the problem with liberal values in a corporate world
In a week which began with images of Xi Jinping waving at his own giant portrait in a military parade for the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) 70th anniversary, it ended in an…
US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
It is only a start, but the Friday trade talks agreement between China and the US is still the best news for the world economy in the almost three years since Donald Trump won the…
China and Catholicism, an unhappy marriage
China and Catholicism, an unhappy marriage
China’s Christians are suffering again, as Beijing continues to implement leader Xi Jinping’s policy of “sinicisation” of religion that, in effect, means making adherents to all…
For China, “national reunification” with Taiwan remains a dream
For China, “national reunification” with Taiwan remains a dream
Marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic, China’s Xi Jinping delivered a speech at Tiananmen Square on 1 October declaring “no force can stop Chinese…