
India’s clever alliances with island states
India’s clever alliances with island states
As India struggles to manage China’s economic and diplomatic influence in its immediate neighbourhood, it has recently made progress in building more robust ties with four crucial…
The Sino–Russian alliance and what it means for Australia
The Sino–Russian alliance and what it means for Australia
On 3 October, Vladimir Putin confirmed that China and Russia have forged a multidimensional alliance in economics, politics, and defense. This announcement both confounds the many…
China’s slam dunk of the NBA is a game changer
China’s slam dunk of the NBA is a game changer
The US trade war against China launched by President Donald Trump has hitherto lacked a clear moral dimension. There are economic arguments – that China insists on tilting the…
In search of clarity on Hong Kong’s future
In search of clarity on Hong Kong’s future
Under the constitutional principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, as stated in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong Kong’s capitalist system and way of life would remain…
Chart of the week: Australian versus Chinese aid in the Pacific
Chart of the week: Australian versus Chinese aid in the Pacific
In the last two years China’s engagement in the Pacific – particularly through its aid program – has sparked alarm in Canberra. The spiking orange line in 2017 is part of the…
China, a low-productivity superpower
China, a low-productivity superpower
In the space of just a few decades, China has risen to the rank of a world power, and certainly an Asian regional power. And now China and the US have locked horns in a great…
Towards a peaceful and inclusive Asia
Towards a peaceful and inclusive Asia
Small states are states too. They have their own agency, their own interests, and their own preferences, and it is important they do not see the world through the perspectives…
How Africa is breaking China’s neo-colonial shackles
How Africa is breaking China’s neo-colonial shackles
If there’s any indication of how Africa is moving up on everyone’s agenda, look no further than the first edition of the Russia-Africa Summit, which saw 43 African heads of…
Victoria takes the initiative with China
Victoria takes the initiative with China
I thought to myself, here’s Xi Jinping walking past, here’s a chance to ask him a question. But instead he just gave me a wan look and a bodyguard quickened a step to put himself…
Finally, some plain talk on the Quad
Finally, some plain talk on the Quad
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a foreign policy speech to the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. Australia’s foreign policy analysts can be very grateful for these candid…