
Pakistan: indebted to China, Saudi Arabia, and IMF
Pakistan: indebted to China, Saudi Arabia, and IMF
Saudi Arabia was the first country Imran Khan visited after assuming office as Pakistan’s new Prime Minister. As he made the trip last month, he asked for financial help for…
Friends like these … allies and the Pence speech
Friends like these … allies and the Pence speech
Vice President Mike Pence’s speech was tasty red meat for anyone desiring a more confrontational US policy toward the People’s Republic of China. Pence’s speech reflects a…
Vietnam’s quandary: red or green?
Vietnam’s quandary: red or green?
A hand-crafted map on the wall of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS) neatly captures the country’s strategic vulnerabilities as it emerges as a dynamic new…
Thawing tensions in the Himalaya
Thawing tensions in the Himalaya
In the last few decades, state-making projects have transformed life in the Himalaya. Infrastructure development intended for troop deployment along disputed borders has, more…
Killing Chimerica
Killing Chimerica
Over a decade ago, the term “Chimerica” was coined to describe the symbiotic relationship between the US and Chinese economies. While offshoring manufacturing to China and opening…
The geopolitics of China’s tax reforms
The geopolitics of China’s tax reforms
The continued legitimacy of the Chinese government under President Xi Jinping, as it was with former president Hu Jintao, depends on two main pillars: improvements in people’s…
Mahathir: Uighurs “have done nothing wrong”
Mahathir: Uighurs “have done nothing wrong”
Horror stories have trickled out of China’s Xinjiang province for years. Now research points to a flood of human suffering and disturbing human rights abuses. Yet with…
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
China: how big tech is learning to love the party
In mid-September, rumours swirled that Huawei Technologies, the world’s largest telecommunications firm, would be acquired by an unnamed Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE),…
Decoding the bombshell story for China
Decoding the bombshell story for China
It is near impossible to find any mention of the Chinese chip hacking story in Bloomberg Businessweek that does not use the words “bombshell” or “explosive” to describe the piece…
Shifting sands in Hong Kong
Shifting sands in Hong Kong
October is usually one of Hong Kong’s nicest months. The notoriously hot, humid, and rainy summer is gone, and the incoming autumn brings the city a pleasant, warm…