
Silent Invasion: the question of race
Silent Invasion: the question of race
Clive Hamilton’s new book Silent Invasion: Chinese Influence in Australia is coming in for considerable criticism. Some of it is warranted, including elements of this thoughtful…
Intellectual property: the big risk in US–China ties
Intellectual property: the big risk in US–China ties
It may be chaotic and confused, but the Trump administration is not entirely nuts. Expected to slam China with heavy penalties for appropriating the intellectual property of US…
China’s new aid agency
China’s new aid agency
Last week, the Chinese Government announced its decision to establish China’s international development cooperation agency. As described by Beijing, the main purpose of the…
The patchy results of China’s soft power efforts
The patchy results of China’s soft power efforts
Chinese media has reported that the Chinese Ministry of Culture is set to be merged with the National Tourism Association. So what? Well, as Xinhua points out, this is no…
Xi Jinping must defuse China's debt bomb
Xi Jinping must defuse China's debt bomb
Originally published in Australian Financial Review. Richard McGregor
The myth of Chinese containment
The myth of Chinese containment
The great debate on the meaning of China’s rise is coming to a close. Where academics once argued over whether the Asian power would be a status quo or systemic challenger, there…
Beijing’s welcome mat for overseas Chinese
Beijing’s welcome mat for overseas Chinese
China has opened new doors for overseas Chinese through changes to its visa program. Beijing’s latest policy announcement allows foreign citizens with Chinese heritage to apply…
Xi Jinping and the grip of the party
Xi Jinping and the grip of the party
Xi Jinping’s leadership of China has been notable on numerous levels of foreign policy, domestic affairs, and economic management. Since taking over from Hu Jintao in…
Xi Jinping’s ideological ambitions
Xi Jinping’s ideological ambitions
World communism isn’t Beijing’s goal, but it is encouraging the spread of authoritarianism. Originally published in The Wall Street Journal. Richard McGregor
China’s loans and the debt dilemma
China’s loans and the debt dilemma
It’s no fun being in debt. Creditors want to chase you, the debts increase as you procrastinate about paying them, and you literally feel “indebted” and guilty, especially if…