
Calm the alarm on Antarctic krill fishery
Calm the alarm on Antarctic krill fishery
There is periodic hyperbole surrounding the future use of the Southern Ocean krill fishery, often sensationally blaming a future threat from China. Yet krill are in no danger of…
A turning point in US economic relations with China
A turning point in US economic relations with China
The US appears to have reached a turning point in its economic relationship with China. During the 2016 presidential campaign, candidate Donald Trump accused Chinese policy…
China and North Korea: Following the paper trail
China and North Korea: Following the paper trail
Bill Gertz, senior editor of The Washington Free Beacon, specialises in scoops. But even by his high standards, his 2 January story that states a ‘(s)ecret Chinese Communist Party…
Best of The Interpreter 2017: China's influence
Best of The Interpreter 2017: China's influence
Former senator Sam Dastyari cetainly found that history repeats itself as farce. Or as Stephen Conroy, the former Labor defence spokesman that Dastyari…
How to handle the finger-wagging from Beijing
How to handle the finger-wagging from Beijing
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review (Photo:  Merriden Varrall
‘Economic aggression’: Donald Trump picks a fight with China
‘Economic aggression’: Donald Trump picks a fight with China
The Trump administration’s determination to meet China’s ‘economic aggression’, announced in this week’s National Security Strategy (NSS), is already being portrayed as a striking…
A free press is a magic weapon against China's influence peddling
A free press is a magic weapon against China's influence peddling
Australia’s complicated relationship with China is in the throes of a long overdue reset. A stream of reports about Chinese Communist Party influence in Australian …
Saying the unsayable in Australia’s relations with China
Saying the unsayable in Australia’s relations with China
The issue of influence by the government of the People’s Republic of China in Australian public and political life reached a turning point with the resignation of senator Sam…
China: Contradictions in climate leadership
China: Contradictions in climate leadership
This article is part of a series for the Australia-UK Asia Dialogue, co-hosted by the Lowy Institute and Ditchley Foundation, and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs…
Learning to trust: Lessons from Thailand, the US and China
Learning to trust: Lessons from Thailand, the US and China
Nick Bisley recently wrote in The Interpreter that mistrust between China and Australia is increasing. Could strategic trust between China and Australia improve if the two…